Schoolchildren told to take everything home

Thames Valley District School Board has advised parents that children in public schools would be asked to take home all personal belongings on Friday, Dec. 17, as Christmas vacation started.

“This is a precautionary measure to ensure that families are equipped to deal with any potential announcements by the Ministry of Education and/or provincial Chief Medical Officer of Health.”

The school board had not at this point received any information about potential school closures and shifting to remote learning, but wanted families to be prepared in any case.

TVDSB also reminded parents that COVID-19 “rapid antigen test kits” would be sent home with all elementary and secondary children this week.

Participation in the testing program was voluntary but encouraged, the school board stated. “Students are not required to participate in order to return to school after the winter break.”

Each kit continued five tests, and were recommended to be used every three to four days, starting Dec. 23.