Aylmer dips toe into possible indoor pool

While the town couldn’t afford to build a new indoor pool for at least eight to 10 years, Aylmer council members on Wednesday, Aug. 14, moved up the first step, pre-engineering designs for such a facility, to next year from 2026.

They were meeting as finance committee and were considering a proposed capital budget for 2025.

A report from Aylmer Administrator Andy Grozelle and Operations Director Rob Johnson was made on Mayor Jack Couckuyt’s longstanding suggestion to build a new indoor pool. Estimated building costs for a pool and walking track came in at $8.2-million.

Due to recent intensive capital investments made by the town, it was suggested that the project planning begin in the near term, while the high-cost pool would be further down the line.

For full details, see the Aug. 28 edition of The Aylmer Express.