Thames Valley District School Board trustees voted 7-5 Tuesday night, April 19, to require students, staff and visitors in all schools to wear face masks, even though that rule will not legally enforceable. The vote came after a two-hour special meeting of the board. The vote was split along city-county lines, with five trustees from…
Snow came back to Aylmer and area, here in the town’s Optimist Park, on Monday afternoon, April 18, about 3:30 p.m. It’s expected to keep snowing through the night and into Tuesday morning. (AE/Rob Perry)
Herbert Hildebrandt, 38, of Malahide, and Andre Beauchamp, 34, of North York, were both found guilty of obstructing a peace officer, in Ontario Court of Justice on Thursday morning, April 14. That follows a trial for their actions December 27, 2020 at the entrance to the Aylmer Church of God. After receiving a summons for…
The rising number of local cases of COVID-19 has led to a mandatory requirement for face masking to be extended indefinitely at St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital and other hospitals in Southwestern Ontario. STEGH President Karen Davies said, “As a system of hospitals, we have been continually assessing what we feel are responsible protections for our…
Southwestern Public Health announced Monday morning, April 11, that a St. Thomas man in his 80s had become the 157th resident to die with COVID-19 in St. Thomas, Elgin and Oxford since the pandemic began two years ago. SWPH also reported 139 new cases of the virus had been confirmed over the weekend, or an…
A “state of emergency” declared by Elgin County and its seven municipalities in March of 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic were rescinded as of Friday, April 8, at 10 a.m. In a statement, the county said the Ontario government had first declared as state of emergency on March 17, 2020, under the Emergency…
Southwestern Public Health has announced that, as of Thursday, April 7, its mass-immunization clinics in St. Thomas and Woodstock would welcome anyone 60 or older for a fourth dose of COVID–19 vaccine. Anyone 18 or older from a First Nations, Inuit or Metis household would also be eligible. The health unit advised that while a…
Elgin County has been experiencing an “ongoing technical disruption” since Friday, April 1, that has affected its website and other online services, and its ability to receive incoming email. The cause of the disruption has not been revealed. In a statement issued on Wednesday, April 6, the county said it was “working hard to get…
The Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing has announced that Port Bruce home owners, tenants and small business owners affected by February flooding have been approved for Disaster Recovery Assistance For Ontarians, but some conditions do apply. The deadline for applications will be July 29. Those with sufficient insurance to cover any damages will…
Southwestern Public Health has announced the following changes to its COVID-19 vaccination clinics: –Starting Friday, April 1, appointments will no longer be offered for vaccinations at mass immunization clinics. All will be operating on a walk-in basis only. –The St. Thomas mass clinic will move to SWPH’s local headquarters at 1230 Talbot St. effective Friday,…
Southwestern Public Health announced Monday, March 28, that an Oxford man in his 80s had become the 155th death linked to COVID-19 since the pandemic began two years ago. His death was connected to an outbreak at Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital, SWPH stated. The health unit also reported that the number of Elgin, St. Thomas…
Southwestern Public Health announced Wednesday, March 23, that a St. Thomas man in his 70s had become the 154th death related to COVID-19 since the pandemic began in Elgin, St. Thomas and Oxford. The health unit also reported 57 new cases of the virus had been confirmed over the previous two days, versus 60 over…