Summer day camp at the Complex

Aylmer’s Sophie Stirling, 8,EECCcamp left, blew on the rock she was painting which brought smiles to the faces of camp counsellor Lauren Jewell and events and programs assistant Lindsay Ward while Nolan Shackelton, 6, of Springfield continued to paint his own rock during the East Elgin Community Complex Summer Day Camp on Thursday morning, July 21. That week’s theme was Under the Sea although Sophie said she was painting what she hoped would look like a bunny while Nolan was just painting his rock with nothing particular in mind. The Summer Day Camp continues for a final week July 25-29 from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Olympics will be the theme of that last week. Activities for children ages 6 to 12 whose parents register them in advance for the camp include ice skating, crafts and games including shuffleboard and pickleball.