The first draft of the 2015 budget for the East Elgin Community Complex included staff recommendations that would shave about $120,000 from the estimated 2014 deficit. Members of the EECC Ad Hoc Committee discussed the draft 2015 budget at their Wednesday night, Sept. 24 meeting. The forecasted deficit for 2014 was $588,964 while the 2015…
McGregor Public School teacher Penny Hilliker had a bucket of ice water poured over her shoulders by volunteer Peter Martens after pupils at the Aylmer school participated in their annual Terry Fox Run and Walk on Wednesday afternoon, Sept. 24. Both Ms. Hilliker and Principal Charlotte Wall agreed to a “bucket challenge” if their pupils…
Niagara Region Police Service Sergeant Shawn Briggs, front left, led the 132 officer and civilian cyclists as they left the Ontario Police College northeast of Aylmer for the 2014 Ride to Remember on Wednesday morning, Sept. 24. A Ride to Remember Committee member, Sgt. Briggs spoke on behalf of his colleagues who helped organize the…
Contenders in the Oct. 27 municipal election in Malahide answered several questions from local residents during an all-candidates meeting sponsored by the Aylmer Express on Monday night, Sept. 22 at Old Town Hall Theatre. A less than packed house witnessed a heated exchange between Malahide resident Hank Wortelboer and incumbent Deputy Mayor Jim Jenkins after…
East Elgin Secondary School Environmental Leadership Program student Carly McCann, left, showed a native frog to Ryan Smith and other South Dorchester Public School Grade 4 pupils during MarshQuest at the Herb Kebbel Wetland east of Sparta, Thursday, Sept. 18. ELP, the Jaffa Outdoor Education Centre and Catfish Creek Conservation Authority will provide lessons on…
Dozens of classic cars and trucks were parked behind the German Canadian Club just west of Aylmer on Saturday, Sept. 20 for the final Aylmer Shrine Club Cruise car show. After giving out draw prizes donated by local businesses, the Shriners donated $500 each to the St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital Foundation and the Victoria…
A school bus that was on its way to pick up students at East Elgin Secondary School broke down in the middle of the road by McGregor Public School on John Street South at South Street on Friday, Sept. 19 at about 3:05 p.m. There were no children or teenagers on the bus at the…
Ashley Wall, a Grade 10 team leader of the “Purple Pandas,” emerged from the mud that was part of an obstacle course during “Eagle Olympics” in Optimist Park in Aylmer, Friday, Sept. 19. The event, organized by Girls and Boys Athletic Association with help from 100 volunteers, welcomed 200 Grade 9 students to the school.
The Aylmer Express will host an all-candidates meeting for the municipal election in Malahide Township at Aylmer Old Town Hall, Monday, Sept. 22, starting at 7:30 p.m. In addition to Malahide candidates, the six candidates for the two positions as Elgin County public school trustees on the Thames Valley District School Board will answer questions…
Grade 2-3 teacher Kristin Methot, left, and Kindergarten teacher Jen Shackelton hunted for a perch during a blindfolded game of musical chairs at South Dorchester Public School, Friday, Sept. 12. Four teachers volunteered for some antics after schoolchildren, asked to read 1,014 books through Belmont library over the summer, exceeded that goal by over 200.
A human body in advanced stages of decomposition was discovered by teenagers in a bush area north of Athletic Park in St. Thomas on Sunday evening, Sept. 14. St. Thomas Police Staff Sergeant Hank Zehr said officers were called to the scene at about 11 p.m. to investigate a report of suspected human remains. The…
Michael Turvey, 59, of London was killed on Saturday afternoon, Sept. 14, after he fell off his motorcycle and slid under a pickup truck on Sparta Line about 500 metres west of Fairview Road southeast of St. Thomas. Elgin County Ontario Provincial Police Constable Troy Carlson said officers responded to the crash at about 4:16…