“Free” library space never formally offered

Former Aylmer resident and businessman Peter Banman says he offered to purchase the remaining almost 6,000 square feet of vacant ground floor commercial space at Aylmer Trillium Park condominiums for over $1-million and donate it to the Town of Aylmer as a gift in May before withdrawing the offer just over a week later.

When the offer was revoked, Mr. Banman alluded to the politics and divided opinion on the location of a new library.

No formal offer was made to town council.

Town councillors on April 7 had already voted to locate a new, expanded library at East Elgin Community Complex.

Aylmer Mayor Jack Couckuyt, who met with Mr. Banman to discuss his offer, and Administrator Jennifer Reynaert refused to comment on the matter citing confidentiality of either secret sessions of council or initial dealings with businesses or individuals that hadn’t come before council.