Complex deficit $100,000 more than expected

The projected annual deficit for East Elgin Community Complex for last year is $106,007.90 higher than anticipated according to the draft 2016 budget Aylmer and Malahide councillors discussed during their Wednesday, Feb. 17 meeting.

The budgeted deficit for the year, the difference between total expenditures and revenues, was pegged at $535,718 but the actual number on the budget document was $641,725.90.

The draft budget for 2016 puts the annual deficit at $592,536 with projected revenues of $680,979 (up $61,062.64 from 2015) and expenditures of $1,243,515 (down from $1,262,010.72).

The $30,000 difference between the two figures above is an extra budgeted annual expenditure for “life cycle replacement” of equipment and fixtures which this year includes a $10,000 facility energy audit staff are recommending be done to find future efficiency savings.