“It could happen to anybody…”

An Elgin County OntariOPPinditcho Provincial Police officer accidentally backed his cruiser into a ditch right beside one of the laneways at Aylmer Evangelical Mennonite Mission Church in Summers Corners on Tuesday, March 8 shortly after 3 p.m. Buses had just begun arriving at Summers Corners Public School across the road to take pupils home. The officer, who didn’t want his name used, said he had blocked traffic along Talbot Line (Highway 3) to allow a funeral procession of vehicles to exit the church parking lot. When he put his cruiser in reverse to allow traffic to pass again, he thought his cruiser was closer to the entrance to the church than it was and he quickly entered into the deep ditch and couldn’t get out. “It’s embarrassing,” the officer said. “I was doing a good deed! This shows it could happen to anybody.”

  • Tina

    Well shouldn’t he be charged whit not knowing where his wheels were and for his car leaving the Rd.? If any of us backed in a ditch we would be. There is a charge that we would be charged with iam sure of it and our name and age would also be in the paper just sayin

  • Toni

    Personally yes that is an embarrassment, but isn’t it also careless driving or dangerous driving? As far as I’m aware the driver of the vehicle, should be well aware of the surroundings, the environment and in complete control of the vehicle.

  • George Quiring

    Well it doesn’t matter every body makes a mistake where ever they are and what ever they do.

  • Josh

    Backing your car into the ditch can happen to anybody?

  • Dave Simmonds

    It just goes to show you cops are people to!

  • Joey mcarthur

    It has never happened to me.

  • Sara

    First off all I want thank that police officer for the coming out to stop the trafick on highway 3 for us at my uncle Hinry Froeses funeral. I feel bad for the officer that it had to happened to him. A personal heart felt thank you from Froese Family for your service. I also want to ask the people that are commenting on this, why point finger at him? Why don’t we start to thank the officers for there service instead of pointing fingers. Just saying

  • Trish

    True Sara……….koodos for the officer for his good deed. Sadly, as the saying goes “no good deed goes unpunished”.

  • darrell

    yes he made a mistake I did years ago. but I lost my license for three months and had a hard time to get another truck driving job afterwards, what my punishment would be because of the circumstances would be at least pay forrrrrr the tow out, come out of his own pocket. but that is against the labour laws.

  • Klassen

    They are people too! They are try to do there job as best as they can , stop judging so much people! !

  • Linda

    Correct me if I’m wrong but I believe these police officers get good money for directing traffic. It’s not a good deed as much as, it’s part of their job. They don’t just do it from the goodness of their heart.
    I do believe we all make mistakes and are human and hopefully this is a lesson learnt. When he comes across a similar situation involving someone else, let’s hope he’s not so quick to judge.

  • C. Neufeld

    I am a member of that church and I sincerely hope that the officer realizes that the people there are not all as ignorant as the person who took the picture intending to humiliate him publicly. Officers of the law are asked to treat civilians with respect and then so many go above and beyond yet to serve and are repaid like this??? The officer might have a good sense of humor about the whole thing but regardless, there was no need for his mistake to be posted in our local papers. I’m sure I speak for many of the people from the AEMMC who respect law enforcement officers. Thank you for your service!

  • Jim

    Not a good deed , he was there on Paid Duty

  • Trevor

    If it happened to anyone else, they’d probably be charged with careless driving ….

  • Joseph Boisvenue

    I believe everything happens for a reason. Who knows, the officer could of been tired. Try working a 12-14 hour shift as an emergency service worker.

  • Alex

    No matter how you manoeuvre your vehicle, you’re suposed to use your eyes and look where you’re about to go. People like this shouldn’t even have a “Driver’s” liscence.