MP Karen Vecchio won’t seek re-election

Elgin-Middlesex-London Member of Parliament Karen Vecchio is preparing to leave office and is considering other avenues of community service after 10 years on Parliament Hill.

MP Vecchio, who was raised on a turkey and hog farm in Sparta, has advised Carleton MP Pierre Poilievre, Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, and Leader of the Official Opposition, that “I will not be putting my name forward in the next federal election.”

She has also notified Rainey Weisler (who is also deputy mayor of Bayham), president of the Elgin-Middlesex-London riding association, opening the door for what promises to be a lively nomination process.

Names of potential candidates such as former MPP Jeff Yurek and True North journalist Andrew Lawton are already circulating in local Conservative circles.

“As a Member, I have put my riding first, and now, I want to return to the needs and commitments of my family,” MP Vecchio added.

Look for the full story in the July 31 edition of The Aylmer Express.