Both Thames Valley District School Board and London District Catholic School Board plan to close all schools to in-person learning if Canadian Union of Public Employees workers go on strike as expected as of Monday morning, Nov. 21. TVDSB has announced it plans to start issuing electronic devices to families that need them, so students…
Dr. Michael Toth is not a member of the East Elgin Family Health Team, despite the assertion by Elgin County Chief Administrative Officer Julie Gonyou in her report to Elgin County council. That misinformation was repeated in the November 16, 2022 edition of The Aylmer Express in the article “Elgin County allocates additional funds for…
Ontario Education Minister Stephen Lecce announced Monday, Nov. 7, that the government had promised to rescind its legislation forcing workers represented by Canadian Union of Public Employees to remain on job and accept a new contract. CUPE workers had defied that legislation, walking off the job on Friday, Nov. 4. In return, he said, CUPE…
Thames Valley District School Board announced on Sunday, Nov. 6, that schools would remain closed “until further notice,” and children will continue to receive lessons remotely. School buses will not run, and before- and after-school programs, childcare centres and EarlyON Family Centres at schools will also be closed, “due to health and safety concerns.” Employees…
St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital reported on Thursday morning, Oct. 27, that it had 27 patients with COVID-19, and was over capacity “in all areas.” The hospital, in a statement, said STEGH “continues to deal with staffing concerns and high occupancy rates, means a shortage of beds and longer emergency wait times. “With flu season…
As of Tuesday, Oct. 25 at 12:15 a.m., The Municipality of Bayham had posted the following unofficial municipal election results (with 11/12 polls reporting): MAYOR Ketchabaw, Ed – 810 Culford, Jon – 501 WARD 1 COUNCILLOR Emerson, Tim – 286 Wade, Barry – 104 Donnell, Valerie – 84 WARD 2 COUNCILLOR Froese, Dan – 313…
Monday night, Oct. 24, The Town of Aylmer posted the following municipal election results to their website: MAYOR Jack Couckuyt (712 votes) (ELECTED) Ted McDonald (539 votes) Tom Charlton (450 votes) DEPUTY MAYOR Pete Barbour (1181 votes) (ELECTED) Fred Buro (301 votes) Isaac Neufeld (177 votes) Five councillors were acclaimed: Jamie Chapman, Kathryn Desrosiers, Arthur…
Monday night, Oct. 24, The Municipality of Central Elgin posted the following unofficial municipal election results (with 12/12 tabulators reporting): MAYOR Sloan, Andrew – 1807 (ELECTED) Crevits, Dennis – 1192 Marks, Tom – 845 Siebenmorgen, Casey – 328 DEPUTY MAYOR Noble, Todd – 1740 (ELECTED) Row, Colleen – 1665 Harrington, William (Bill) – 586 WARD…
Monday night, Oct. 24, The Township of Malahide posted the following municipal election results: WARD 1 COUNCILLOR Sarah Leitch – 331 (ELECTED) David Rempel – 56 Garett Ashton – 15 WARD 3 COUNCILLOR Rick Cerna – 153 (ELECTED) Chris Sickini – 73 WARD 4 COUNCILLOR Scott Lewis – 338 (ELECTED) Rita Mcphail – 48 Davy…
Library assistant Mary Hamm kicked up her heel as she modeled in a fashion show held at Aylmer Old Town Hall library on Thursday night, Oct. 6. Clothes from Durkees were featured. Look for more pictures of the fashion show in the print edition of The Aylmer Express. (AE/Rob Perry)
Aylmer Police reported Thursday afternoon, Oct. 6, that a missing 17-year-old girl from Aylmer who they had been looking for had been found safe.
Elgin Ontario Provincial Police announced late Monday afternoon, Oct. 3, that a woman, 27, and her newborn child had been found safe in London. Police issued an alert asking for public assistance finding the woman and baby after a caller requested they check on her well-being. She and the baby had last been seen in…