Local news in and around Aylmer and Elgin County

Central Elgin, county clear-cutting roadsides

April 21, 2015 | 0 Comments

Vegetation such as shrubs and grasses represents such a clear and present danger that Central Elgin is going to start mowing roadsides from fencerow to fencerow. Councillors voted 5-1 on Monday, April 20, to approve a new policy to cut vegetation the full width of every municipal and county road within Central Elgin, half to…

Another public hearing on Bayham facilities review May 11

April 21, 2015 | 0 Comments

Bayham councillors are going to split up and meet with service clubs and other organizations that use municipal buildings such as community centres, before holding a special public hearing on the future of those facilities Monday, May 11, at 7 p.m. Bayham recently conducted a review of all its buildings and found many of them…

Police chief about McDonald: “Somewhat erroneous”

April 21, 2015 | 0 Comments

Chief Andre Reymer used some diplomatic language in telling Aylmer Police Services Board Tuesday, April 12, that town Councillor Ted McDonald was way off base in recent financial criticism of the cost of municipal policing. Cr. McDonald, claiming that Aylmer’s policing costs were among the top one percent in the province, tried to get town…

Seeking new owners for rescued pets

April 17, 2015 | 0 Comments

Melinda Cockburn, left, of St. Thomas introduces Penny, the husky-akida dog she’s fostering on behalf of All Breed Canine Rescue, to Whitney Giesbrecht of Aylmer and her daughter Dezamae, 15 months old, and Melissa Hoover of Aylmer at Pet Valu in Aylmer, Friday, April 17. Penny was brought to the area from Northern Ontario after…

Battle of the Books at Immanuel Christian

April 16, 2015 | 0 Comments

Immanuel Christian School pupils Holly Cameron, left, Megan Friesen and Jocelyn Shelton pondered possible answers to a question during “Battle of the Books” on Thursday, April 16. The Aylmer school hosted six other district Christian schools for the competition. Teams were given 10 books to read in October, to prepare them to answer questions about…

Parisian airs for Vienna fashion show

April 16, 2015 | 0 Comments

Susan Lampman was one of 26 volunteer models for the annual Vienna Lioness fashion show at the village community centre on Wednesday, April 15. The event, decorated in Parisian style, attracted 154, and raised $1,000 each for Corner Cupboard food bank in Aylmer and the Salvation Army of Tillsonburg.

Kids cooking at Springfield library

April 15, 2015 | 0 Comments

YWCA Kids Creative Cuisine instructor Petrusia Hontar, left, supervised Brianna Syrnyk, 10, as she chopped vegetables to serve with hummus during a cooking lesson in the kitchen at Springfield Community Place, Tuesday, April 14. They also made chocolate avocado banana pudding and English muffin “mini-pizzas” in the first night of a six-week course organized through…

No EpiPens for Malahide fire trucks

April 14, 2015 | 0 Comments

Malahide councillors on Thursday, April 9, rejected a request to equip volunteer firefighters with potentially lifesaving “EpiPens” that administer medication in case of a severe allergic reaction. Lyons Line resident Elizabeth Van Hooren has started a campaign to seek such equipment for area firefighters, after her own son almost died from an allergy that had…

Currie, McDonald cross semantic swords over “deficit”

April 14, 2015 | 1 Comment

Aylmer Councillor Ted McDonald believes the East Elgin Community Complex has an annual “deficit” of $600,000, but Mayor Greg Currie disagrees. Mayor Currie insisted at a meeting Tuesday, April 7, that he believed whatever the annual cost to Aylmer and Malahide taxpayers for operating the Complex should be called, he knew it wasn’t deficit. The…

Preston offers no financial hope for Ojibwa

April 14, 2015 | 2 Comments

Elgin-Middlesex-London MP Joe Preston offered beleaguered Bayham no relief from the huge financial burden the municipality has been left with over HMCS Ojibwa. He and MPP Jeff Yurek answered questions during a St. Thomas and District Chamber of Commerce luncheon in St. Thomas, Wednesday, April 8. MP Preston provided no hint of any potential financial relief,…

Spring farm auction at Shackelton’s

April 11, 2015 | 0 Comments

Hundreds turned out for the annual Farmers Spring Consignment Machinery Auction at Shackelton Auctions northeast of Springfield on Saturday, April 11. Potential buyers had to park their cars, buggies and pickups up to two kilomtres away from the busy sale.

Easter brunch attracts full house

April 5, 2015 | 0 Comments

The Aylmer Knights of Columbus monthly brunch at their hall on Beech Street attracted crowds for both breakfast and lunch (and in between) on Sunday, April 5. The Knights of Columbus hold their brunches on the first Sunday of each month which just so happened to fall on Easter Sunday this time. The Knights of…