Local news in and around Aylmer and Elgin County

A Rotten day for motorcyclists

July 19, 2014 | 0 Comments

Despite foul weather, about 200 motorcyclists, including this one doing a “burnout,” still came out Saturday, July 19, for the ninth annual Rotten Road Ride organized by Dave Green Custom Cycles of Malahide. The daylong ride is expected to raise $5,000 to $6,000 for Aylmer Optimist Club.

Teddy Bear Picnic in Straffordville

July 17, 2014 | 0 Comments

Emmet Tribe, 3, of Straffordville hammered away at paper building blocks during a Teddy Bear Picnic at the Bayham Community Centre, Wednesday, July 16. The event was organized for area families by a group of agencies and organizations that serve children.

Plant sale benefiting food bank

July 17, 2014 | 0 Comments

Riverbend Farms co-owner John Hotchkiss watered the plants he had for sale outside of No Frills just north of Aylmer on Thursday, July 17. He and his wife Eva were holding the sale to raise money for Aylmer Corner Cupboard food bank. A wide variety of evergreens, perennials, shrubs and other potted plants were available…

Assumption getting new parking lot

July 16, 2014 | 0 Comments

Alan Hogg of Hogg Construction used a laser level to check the grade of the excavation work he was doing on the west side of Assumption Catholic Elementary School in Aylmer on Wednesday morning, July 16. Hogg Construction of Thamesford had been hired by the London District Catholic School Board to construct a new parking…

Springwater hosts maple syrup tour

July 13, 2014 | 0 Comments

Kathy’s Catering staff members Betty Froese of Aylmer, left, and Marlene Herb of St. Thomas served Palmerston maple syrup producer Rob Grubb with maple apple crisp topped with whipped cream outside Springwater Conservation Area’s sugar shanty during the Ontario Maple Syrup Producer’s Association annual tour on Saturday, July 12. Several maple syrup producers from across…

OPP launch Essay House investigation

July 11, 2014 | 2 Comments

The Elgin County Ontario Provincial Police received a complaint from an unidentified individual about the Essay House contest on Thursday, July 10 which resulted in the launch of an investigation. On Friday morning, July 11, Elgin OPP Constable Troy Carlson confirmed a complaint had been received about the writing contest to win a Malahide home…

St. Thomas man charged for child porn

July 10, 2014 | 0 Comments

A 57-year-old St. Thomas man was arrested and charged with child pornography offences following a search warrant at a residence in the city on Tuesday, July 8. Members of the Ontario Provincial Police Child Sexual Exploitation Unit, the OPP Technological Crime Unit, and the St. Thomas Police Service were all involved n the investigation and…

Houses being demolished

July 10, 2014 | 0 Comments

Demolition of two house on the north side of Sydenham Street East, west of Albert Street, began Thursday morning, July 10. Machinery operator Dave Thiessen said he expected to have most of the houses down by the end of the day. They’re being torn down to allow for the expansion of neighbouring Aylmer Full Gospel…

Contest runs below enforcement radar

July 8, 2014 | 1 Comment

Local police haven’t received any official complaints from entrants of the writing contest to win a Malahide house and property once it was ended at the end of April without a winner. To date, only one entrant of the Essay House contest has confirmed with The Aylmer Express that they received part of their $100…

Neonicotinoid restrictions planned for Ontario

July 8, 2014 | 0 Comments

Local beekeepers are pleased but Grain Farmers of Ontario moved quickly to protest an announcement by Ontario Agriculture Minister Jeff Leal that the province planned to be the first in Canada to restrict the use of neonicotinoids, a pesticide allegedly linked to bee deaths. Ontario will require farmers and commercial growers to apply for permits…

Greg Currie running for Aylmer mayor

July 7, 2014 | 1 Comment

Greg Currie, who as the spokesman for the Aylmer Taxpayers Advisory Committee who had been vocal about what they believe is a public spending problem in town, is running to become the next mayor. The retired Ontario Police College instructor and pre-hiring police officer testing company owner filed his nomination to run against current Mayor…

All talk, no action on EECC boards

July 7, 2014 | 0 Comments

Malahide councillors are still grumbling about the condition of boards in one rink at East Elgin Community Complex but, despite wanting an investigation, they’ve done nothing to start one. The protective boards in one rink are badly cracked, and the estimate for replacing them after just 10 years of use is $120,000. While councillors griped…