Local news in and around Aylmer and Elgin County

Splash and skate park opens in Belmont

June 27, 2014 | 0 Comments

David Wintermute, 13, tried out the new Matt Price Memorial Skate Pad on Friday afternoon, June 27 during the grand opening of it and the Belmont Splash Pad in Don Yeck Park located behind the Arena and Community Centre. The estimated $330,000 project was celebrated by speeches by several dignitaries and project volunteers. Free popsicles…

Crash north of Aylmer closes road

June 26, 2014 | 0 Comments

What appeared to be a two-vehicle crash between a silver Dodge minivan and a similar coloured sports utility vehicle had Imperial Road closed north of Aylmer on Thursday, June 26 at about 5:30 p.m. The minivan was in the ditch about 100 metres southwest of the intersection while the SUV was at the intersection. Elgin…

Urban geese released near Aylmer

June 26, 2014 | 0 Comments

The first of 856 Canada geese ventured off of a transport truck and headed to the water at Aylmer Wildlife Management Area on Thursday, June 26. The geese were caught in Oakville where they were a nuisance to residents there when they wouldn’t move away from properties near the waterfront. The prior day 564 Canada…

Zoo Olympics at Straffordville PS

June 26, 2014 | 0 Comments

Brendan Neufeld took careful aim when pouring a cupful of water into a bucket while participating in one of the stations during the Zoo Olympics at Straffordville Public School on Wednesday, June 25. The play day involving water-themed events signaled the school year was almost at a close.

OPP boat stolen, destroyed

June 25, 2014 | 0 Comments

The Elgin County Ontario Provincial Police boat was stolen from a marina in Port Stanley, set on fire and destroyed in the early morning hours of Wednesday, June 25. The 24-foot Sea Swirl inboard outboard vessel was stolen from Stan’s Marina at about 2:45 a.m., Elgin OPP Constable Troy Carlson said. The vessel was taken…

One Essay House entry fee returned

June 24, 2014 | 1 Comment

At least one entrant in the failed Essay House contest has received her entry fee back but several more have contacted the Aylmer Express saying they are still waiting for refunds despite the contest closing eight weeks ago. The Malahide home and property located at 50279 Talbot Line on the south side of Talbot Line…

Fun with water at Springfield PS

June 24, 2014 | 0 Comments

Springfield Public School pupil Tyson Fehr, left, received a soaking from Daniel Abell during the annual play day held Tuesday afternoon, June 24. The pupils participated in a series of water-related games that provided some welcome relief from the heat and humidity that day.

Bayham woman dead in crash

June 23, 2014 | 0 Comments

Maria Reddecopp, 54, of Bayham was killed in a two-vehicle crash on Highway 19 north of Eden on Saturday night, June 21. Norfolk County Ontario Provincial Police Constable Ed Sanchuk said Mrs. Reddecopp was the driver of a Pontiac van travelling south on Hwy. 19 that collided with a northbound Toyota pickup truck at about…

Sssnakes at Belmont Fun Day

June 21, 2014 | 0 Comments

Sean Espinola of Sciensational Sssnakes of Guelph held up a fistful of corn snakes during a presentation to children attending the Belmont Fun Day, Saturday, June 21. He explained corn snakes were a good choice as a pet because, having been bred domestically for 70 years, they were unlikely to be taken from the wild…

Relay for Life fetes survivors

June 21, 2014 | 0 Comments

Cancer survivors were applauded by spectators as they led off the sixth annual Aylmer Relay for Life at East Elgin Secondary School, Friday evening, June 20. About 200 participants walked the track through the night to raise money for cancer research.

Neighbours warring in Port Bruce

June 20, 2014 | 0 Comments

Neighbours in Port Bruce seemed to have resolved their zoning dispute right up until a public hearing started at Malahide council, Thursday night, June 19, with legal agreements signed between them. But then Denice Williamson and Jeff Low reneged on those agreements, and demanded that Eric and Breesjes Bikkers of 3137 Hale St. remove yard…

Health unit grand opening

June 18, 2014 | 0 Comments

St. Thomas Alderman David Warden addressed guests during the official opening of the new $8-million Elgin St. Thomas Public Health building on Talbot Street at the east end of the city, Tuesday, June 17. He was chairman of the public health board during the construction of the new headquarters.