Local news in and around Aylmer and Elgin County

Paraglider crashes near Port Bruce

May 19, 2014 | 0 Comments

A 47-year-old Aylmer man was airlifted to hospital after the paraglider he was flying crashed east of Port Bruce on Sunday, May 18. The crash happened just after 2 p.m. south of Dexter Line when the “experienced paraglider pilot” lost control of the aircraft (parachute with seat) and struck the side of a cliff, Elgin County Ontario…

Springfield man charged in drug bust

May 16, 2014 | 0 Comments

A 29-year-old Springfield man was arrested on Thursday, May 15 and faced several criminal drug-related charges after a search warrant was executed by police officers at his Pressey Line home. Elgin County Ontario Provincial Police along with the OPP Organized Crime Enforcement Bureau and Drug Enforcement Unit searched the home and seized marijuana bud and…

MPP Yurek accuses NDP of “fear mongering”

May 16, 2014 | 0 Comments

Elgin-Middlesex-London Progressive Conservative MPP Jeff Yurek accused New Democrat candidate Kathy Cornish of “fear mongering” during the Rogers Cable debate in St. Thomas on Thursday, May 15. Prior to MPP Yurek’s comment, Ms. Cornish said the PC party would lay off 100,000 teachers if it formed government after the June 12 provincial election. All five…

Surprise! It’s a whole new county building

May 15, 2014 | 0 Comments

Elgin councillors voted unanimously Tuesday, May 13, to commission detailed plans for a new building to house the county museum, archives, Provincial Offences court…and now the entire administration. In 2012, councillors started looking at larger quarters for the museum and archives, as well as Elgin’s Provincial Offences court. Then they tagged on a new council…

Talent showcased at South Dorchester PS

May 9, 2014 | 0 Comments

Tyler Reimer played “Blessed Be Your Name” on guitar during the first annual South Dorchester Public School Talent Show, Friday, May 9. A total of 27 pupils submitted acts, along with two hosts and four pupils who made up the stage crew.

Recommendation to suspend 2015 summer ice, hall rentals at EECC

May 9, 2014 | 1 Comment

Aylmer-Malahide liaison committee members Friday, May 9, unanimously recommended their respective councils put a hold on signing further contracts for any more 2015 banquet hall bookings and summer ice rentals at East Elgin Community Complex, while the future of the facility is decided. They also unanimously suggested that the councils approve seeking a consultant to prepare a…

Earnest Anne of Green Gables brought to life at EESS

May 8, 2014 | 0 Comments

by Rob Perry of The Aylmer Express You have to feel for Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert, the ageing siblings and Prince Edward Island farmers portrayed in the play Anne of Green Gables at East Elgin Secondary School this week. When they mistakenly get Anne Shirley instead of a boy from an orphanage to help out…

Serge Lavoie running for the Liberals

May 8, 2014 | 0 Comments

Serge Lavoie of St. Thomas will be the Liberal candidate in the June 12 provincial election. His candidacy was announced by the Elgin-Middlesex-London Provincial Liberal Association by media release on Thursday, May 8. Confirmation of his nomination was to take place late that afternoon at a fundraising event in St. Thomas with Ted McMeekin, Liberal…

Fun with water at South Dorchester PS

May 7, 2014 | 0 Comments

South Dorchester Public School Grade 5 pupils Owen Gillet, left, Ben Aumont and Kevin Guikema teamed up to make homemade water filters during an Education Week activity in teacher Andrea Powers’ class on Wednesday, May 7. Owen was scooping stones into the filter and later the boys poured red coloured dyed water through their filter…

Wrong church

May 7, 2014 | 0 Comments

A story in the May 7 Aylmer Express about the theft of one pickup truck, and an attempt to steal another, on Sunday, May 4, should have said the vehicles had been parked in the Aylmer Christian Reformed Church parking lot at Caverly Road and South Street.  

Malahide wants business plan for EECC

May 7, 2014 | 0 Comments

Malahide councillors on Thursday, May 1, unanimously asked a joint township-Aylmer committee to commission a business plan for moving the town library to East Elgin Community Complex, as well as other possible changes to the facility. They had just received formal confirmation that Aylmer councillors were willing to put the library there, and a suggestion…

MPP Yurek only candidate so far

May 6, 2014 | 0 Comments

Incumbent Jeff Yurek is the only candidate so far known to the Express in the June 12 provincial election in Elgin-Middlesex-London riding. Meanwhile, Kathy Cornish of St. Thomas, who ran for the New Democratic Party in the 2011 provincial election, was seeking the nomination to challenge MPP Yurek. The local Liberal candidate in the 2011…