Good turnout for Richmond yard sale
Bev Perry, middle (in the yellow hoodie), browsed through the items on one of the tables set up for an indoor yard sale held at Richmond United Church on Friday morning, April 27. The sale continued on Saturday, April 28 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event included a barbecue and raised money for…
Read MoreDoug Ford offers not one word on rural school closings
Progressive Conservative Leader Doug Ford spoke to close to 500 breakfast-goers at Saxonia Hall in Malahide just west of Aylmer, Saturday morning, April 21, but had nothing at all to say about rural school closings, probably the most controversial subject in this area leading into the June 7 provincial election. When reporters learned from Mr.…
Read MoreErosion causes Lakeshore Line closure
Erosion along Lake Erie is causing the permament closure of Lakeshore Line in Bayham from Clarke Road to Elgin County Road 55. Bayham councillors came out of a closed door session at the end of their Thursday, April 19 meeting and passed a resolution to close the section of Lakeshore Line with access remaining for…
Read MoreFinding connections at Terrace Lodge
St. Thomas St. Joseph’s Catholic High School student and Robotics Team member Raylene Clautti, left, along with Springfield Public School Grade 1-2 pupils Olivia Wilson and Syndney Janzen helped Terrace Lodge resident Blanche Coombs build a Lego robot at the Aylmer area retirment and nursing home on Thursday afternoon, April 19. The visit by the…
Read MoreTrout season almost here
Conservation areas supervisor Dusty Underhill of Catfish Creek Conservation Autority holds a rainbow trout that was about to be dropped into the pond during the annual fish stocking at Springwater Conservation Area southwest of Aylmer on Thursday morning, April 19. Springwater will be open at 6 a.m. on Saturday, April 28 for the start of trout…
Read MoreFire near Springwater
Central Elgin volunteer firefighters responded to a structure fire on Springwater Road just south of Springwater Conservation Area on Monday afternoon, April 16. This photo was taken shortly after 3:30 p.m. Central Elgin firefighters were assisted by at least one crew from Malahide Fire Department. At least seven fire trucks were on scene. No further…
Read MoreHealth unit: vaccination errors at Straffordville Public, Assumption Separate pose no risk
Elgin St. Thomas Public Health officials are trying to determine what Grade 7 pupils at Straffordville Public School and Assumption Catholic School in Aylmer might have received an extra vaccination, and what pupils might have been missed. No one’s health was at risk as a result, Medical Officer of Health Dr. Joyce Lock stressed. She…
Read MoreInspection blitz on Progress Drive
Aylmer Police Constable Darrin Lockwood, left, spoke to St. Thomas Police Const. Travis Sandham during a commercial motor vehicle inspection blitz on Progress Drive in Aylmer’s industrial area on Wednesday morning, April 11. The blitz continued until 2 p.m. that day. Const. Lockwood said the joint operation involved officers with both the Aylmer and St.…
Read MoreCelebrating learning
Uri Dalm played Professor John Spiritus Baptismo in the Wednesday morning, March 28 performance of the Life School Musical at Immanuel Christian School during the Aylmer private school’s Spring Celebration of Christian Learning day. In the evening the same day, pupils showcased their classroom learning and art with their families and ended the celebration with another…
Read MoreTruck fished out of creek
Four weeks to the day after starting a fateful crossing of the Imperial Road Bridge in Port Bruce, a dump truck finally completed its journey with help from a crane and a large crew of workers Friday, March 23, at about 2:15 p.m. It touched down on the north side of the creek, to be…
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