Local sports in and around Aylmer and Elgin County

Voros champion bass angler

August 3, 2016 | 0 Comments

Steve Voros, 49, of Aylmer took home the top prize of $12,000 after winning the Kingston Canadian Open of Fishing tournament over the Civic Holiday long weekend July 29-31. The total weight Mr. Voros recorded was 67.05 pounds. Mr. Voros, a teacher at East Elgin Secondary School, has been fishing for fun since age 3…

Provincial Junior horseshoes at EECC

July 30, 2016 | 0 Comments

Kyle Luyt of the host East Elgin Community Complex horseshoes club made a toss as he and partner Stacy Pond competed in Ontario Junior Doubles Championships on Saturday, July 20. The event attracted about 20 competitors. EECC will also host the Junior Singles on Saturday, August 13.

Aylmer team wins swim meet

July 29, 2016 | 0 Comments

Rebecca Krahn of host Aylmer Pool team swam the girls 8 and Under backstroke during a meet against Woodstock Wednesday night, July 27. Aylmer took the overall victory on points. The town pool hosts two more meets, on Wednesday, Aug. 10, and Wednesday, Aug. 17.

U18 soccer action at Columbus Park

July 28, 2016 | 0 Comments

Kyle Dunn of IDA Pharmacy headed the ball during an Under 18 game against Carrel Farms Inc. at Columbus Park in Malahide on Wednesday night, July 27. Carrel Farms took the victory 5-2.

Whipping a pitch

July 20, 2016 | 0 Comments

Gabby Path of Springfield Brewers Under 16 girls baseball team hurled a pitch toward the batter during a game against West London on Thursday night, July 14. Springfield won the encounter 11-1.

Adult soccer action at Columbus Park

July 18, 2016 | 0 Comments

Henry Penner, left, and Annemarie Penner of Driver Realty adult soccer team closed in on Katie Parker of Showcase Realty during a game at Columbus Park in Malahide, just south of Aylmer, on Sunday night, July 17. Showcase came out on top of the match. East Elgin Youth Soccer offers a four-team adult division that…

Aylmer hosts first outdoor swim meet of season

July 14, 2016 | 0 Comments

Tyler Smith competed in the age 8 and under butterfly stroke during the first meet to be hosted in the summer season by the Aylmer Alligators swim team at the Aylmer outdoor pool on Wednesday evening, July 13. Aylmer hosted a Delhi team that night. The Aylmer swimmers began their season in Thamesford on July…

Belmont U12 takes on Southend

July 13, 2016 | 0 Comments

Jared Kuiken of host Belmont’s Under 12 DeKalb boys team deked past a Southend Recreational defender during a West London Soccer match on Tuesday night, July 12. Belmont won the game 4-2.

Learning to throw at T-Ball

July 11, 2016 | 0 Comments

Will Collard was among a group of boys who practiced the fundamentals of baseball, here throwing, during a 20 minute T-Ball practice on Saturday morning, July 9 at Steen Park. Will and his fellow players with the Green team then played a short game versus the Burgundy team. The Aylmer Minor Baseball Association holds T-Ball for…

Getting wound up in Springfield

July 4, 2016 | 0 Comments

Nathan “Nater” Shackleton of host Springfield Brewers Atom Boys (Mites) team pitched to a Tavistock hitter duirng a ball game at Malahide Community Place on Thursday, June 30. Tavistock came out on top of the scoreboard at the end of the night.

Truck and tractor pull at fairgrounds

July 1, 2016 | 0 Comments

Diesel smoke streamed out of the transport driven by Greg Streib of Streib Trucking in Talbotville as he competed in a pull at Aylmer Fairgrounds on Friday afternoon, July 1. He placed second in a qualifying round in his class, just behind Matt Tisdale of Lyons. A truck and tractor pull continued at the fairgrounds…

Skipping rope on the first full day of summer at NSPS

June 21, 2016 | 0 Comments

Russell Gubesch launched himself high into the air while participating in Jump Rope for Heart at New Sarum Public School on Tuesday, June 21. NSPS combined the annual fundraiser for heart and stroke research with its end-of-school-year play day.