Celebrating helpers at the library
Left photo: Lilah Goodma
n, 5, got up close and personal with a Flemish giant rabbit during the first Community Helper Canadian Celebration held by the Aylmer Old Town Hall Library in the parkette located immediately adjacent to the building on Thursday afternoon, Aug. 3. The large rabbit, along with some ducks, a European rabbit and some other exotic animals were brought to the event by Zi VanDaalen of Zilli Zi Zoo 2 Go. Right photo: Carla Redecop, 9, made some big bubbles at another booth during the celebration. Library officials wanted to celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday, which along with the local community was the theme of this year’s Summer Reading Club for children, by recognizing other local organizations and businesses that improve the community’s quality of life including the Town of Aylmer, Aylmer Police, Aylmer Fire Department, Aylmer-Malahide Museum and Archives, the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) Centre, the Ontario Early Years Centre, the Gay Lee Dairy Heritage Museum and the Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit. After the outside celebration, the children were treated to the animated movie Chicken Run, including free popcorn and bottled water, in the theatre on the second floor above the library.