Church of God goes ahead with drive-in service, Aylmer Police record video

About 70 vehicles were parked at Aylmer Church of God on John Street North for a drive-in service on Sunday morning, April 26.

Two Aylmer Police officers took video recordings of the gathering, but didn’t issue any tickets immediately for illegally gathering under Ontario’s emergency orders regarding COVID-19 pandemic precautions.

Pastor Henry Hildebrandt said afterward, “I am personally very, very relieved that it went well. I was overwhelmed when I did see how many people stopped by to listen in.

“This really is not a gathering because people are staying in their vehicles.”

But  Aylmer Police Chief Zvonko Horvat stated, “Our goal will be to gather all the evidence that we need for a successful prosecution.

“Every other congregation in our community follows the law.”

More coverage will be in The Aylmer Express on Wednesday, April 29.

(AE/Veronica Reiner)

  • Felicia De FINA

    I totally support how the Church of God in Alymer Ontario provided to Christians opprtunity to wordhip our God. And I am shocked with the draconian police filming and spying. The Pastor should be commended for finding a solution that is 100% safer tham all solutions for buying liquor, lottery tickets , groceries and the list gies on. I ask all Christians to support 100% by using thid as a modek for meeting our Christian needs. Resist before our ministers and our practicing Christians are carted off Nazi style.

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  • Abraham Klassen

    As a law abiding citizen of Aylmer Ontario I’m am appalled at the Chief of police in his reckless and biased approach in his dealings with the church of God. He needs to stand down realize that no social distancing rule is being broken here. To the Chief of police, if you’re taking this right away from us, which right is next?

    Do what’s honorable and save what’s left of your reputation.

  • Abraham Klassen

    It’s great to see the courage of A pastor and church taking a stand. They’re obviously not breaking any social distancing guidelines. I urge our chief of police to reconsider his position. The community is paying attention and as stated by the on duty officer during the previous gathering, all guidelines were respected and followed. What changed since a few weeks ago?

  • Darling

    The rules clearly state and one who gathers in more than 5, $750.00 each and $100,000.00 fine for the pastor who called them together. Sheep are followers and will do what their pastor tells them or else they believe they are going to go to HELL. This man should be held accountable for leading these people astray.

    • AE Web Admin

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  • Abraham Klassen

    First of all they’re not gathering by sitting in separate vehicles (as people do at tim Hortons and other parking lots). Should Tim Hortons be held accountable too? Absolute nonesense.
    Secondly, if you don’t know what the pastor is teaching his congregation you’re not qualified to say that he’s leading them astray.

  • jeff

    Jeff Altweg…. Really, The ‘Aylmer Police Service’ will get lots of pushback ,locally and Nationally, if they follow the attitude of the Police Chief….