A two vehicle crash at the intersection of Talbot Street West and Elm Street in Aylmer that occurred at about 1 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 20 caused some backed up traffic near East Elgin Secondary School. It appeared the front ends of a white GMC Savana cargo van and a grey Chevrolet Equinox sports utility…
About 140 participants in the annual Christmas Tour of Homes organized by Aylmer Malahide Museum and Archives volunteers tucked into a turkey dinner with all the trimmings at Aylmer Baptist Church, Friday night, Nov. 17. Afterward, they and others toured four specially decorated area homes from 7 to 10 p.m., with the tour open again…
Margaret Unger browsed the handcrafted home decor items on one of the tables set up in Aylmer Old Town Hall Theatre for the annual Ten Thousand Villages Festival Sale on Thursday morning, Nov. 16. The sale continued on Friday, Nov. 17 from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and on Saturday, Nov. 18 from 9 a.m.…
In just a 20-minute meeting, the years-long effort to provide the Aylmer area with a larger, new library space came to a sudden halt during the Monday evening, Nov. 13 council meeting. After receiving results of an online survey on which of two locations for a new library space local residents preferred, councillors defeated two…
Royal Canadian Legion, Colonel Talbot Branch 81 (Aylmer) executive member Arthur Oslach, left, was handed a wreath by Aylmer Police Sergeant Nick Novacich, right, while being escorted to the Cenotaph by Legion executive member Ian Stubbs during the annual Remembrance Day ceremony in Aylmer on Saturday morning, Nov. 11. Many Aylmer and area residents filled that…
A big crowd turned out, despite chilly weather and snow on the ground, for an annual Remembrance Day ceremony in Belmont’s Community Park on Saturday morning, Nov. 11. Similar services were held in Aylmer, Springfield and Port Stanley.
Ava Fish, left, Sandra Grant and Tariq Oteng were among a whole gymnasium full of New Sarum Public School pupils participating in the annual attempt to set the Guinness World Record for the largest sport stacking event on Thursday afternoon, Nov. 9. The New Sarum PS pupils stacked their cups to music in various different patterned…
Oxford County council announced Friday morning, Nov. 10, that its health unit will merge with Elgin St. Thomas Public Health. The merger was endorsed by the two county boards of health at meetings earlier this week, and is to be completed by the spring of 2018. Current offices in St. Thomas and Woodstock would be…
Cousins Ava Hiebert, 3, left, and Kaylee Enns, 5, made valentines after the last Children’s Choice Story Time of the fall season at Aylmer Old Town Hall Library on Thursday morning, Nov. 9 as part of the Valentines for Vets Campaign. Several children participated in the craft session when they made valentines for veterans living…
East Elgin Secondary School’s Junior football team, first in Thames Valley Regional Central’s Walzak conference regular season with a perfect 6-0 record, will take on London South Collegiate Institute, second in the Darnell conference with a 4-1 record, in a Central divisional semifinal at City Wide Sports Park in London on Thursday, Nov. 9, starting…
Deputy Mayor Sally Martyn, left, and Mayor David Marr, with help from an Air Cadet, laid a wreath on behalf of Central Elgin at this area’s first Remembrance Day service, held at the Last Post Branch 410, Royal Canadian Legion, in Port Stanley on Sunday morning, Nov. 5. The service was held indoors due to…
Left photo: Lucas Verbruggen, 10, dressed in a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle costume, ran up and over a stack of bales during the kids obstacle dash component of the third annual Monster Dash Fun Run held at Kinsmen Park in Aylmer on Saturday morning, Oct. 28. Right photo: May Klassen, 6, dressed as a ladybug…