Local news in and around Aylmer and Elgin County

Fireworks cap Canada Day

July 2, 2017 | 0 Comments

Thousands of spectators watched as fireworks lit up the sky over the flats behind East Elgin Community Complex during a joint Aylmer-Malahide celebration of Canada Day, on Saturday, July 1. This year’s pyrotechnic display, organized by Aylmer Kinsmen Club, was bigger than usual this year in honour of Canada 150.

Celebrating Canada 150 at EECC

July 1, 2017 | 0 Comments

Local residents attending the annual Aylmer-Malahide celebration of Canada Day at East Elgin Community Complex Saturday night, July 1, about 6:30 p.m., had their pick of three inflatable amusements, along with facepainting, an animal display, cotton candy, food booths and live music.

Smoking up the sky

July 1, 2017 | 0 Comments

A competitor sent diesel smoke billowing  into the air during the second annual Aylmer Truck and Tractor Pull at the town fairgrounds, early Saturday afternoon, July 1. Flags were flying high for Canada Day. Organizers were reporting good attendance, and the show continues through Saturday night.

Hundreds celebrate Canada 150 in Port Burwell

July 1, 2017 | 0 Comments

Lilly Arnold, 8, of Caledonia was among dozens of children who enjoyed free cupcakes as part of the Canada 150th anniversary celebration in Port Burwell on Canada Day, Saturday, July 1. Hundreds of local residents and visitors descended upon downtown Port Burwell for a parade, the singing of O Canada and God Save the Queen,…

Decorated bicycles welcome Canada Day

July 1, 2017 | 0 Comments

Scores of youngsters on decorated bicycles paraded through Belmont in an annual Canada Day procession on Saturday, July 1. They made their way to Don Yeck Park for a barbecue, Canada Day cake, facepainting and games.

A historic visit at the library

June 30, 2017 | 0 Comments

Sir John A. Macdonald, Canada’s first Prime Minister, right, showed Logan Wolfe, 4, his pocket watch during a visit at Aylmer Old Town Hall Library on Friday morning, June 30. Looking on were Logan’s stepmom Tanya Olmsted, left, stepsister Paige Collins, 12, and brother Hayden, 7. Matthew Scholtz of Tillsonburg played Sir John A. Macdonald…

Celebrating Canada 150 at McGregor PS

June 27, 2017 | 0 Comments

McGregor Public School full day Kindergarten pupils sang The World Is A Rainbow during an assembly at the Aylmer school to celebrate Canada’s 150th anniversary on Monday morning, June 26. Pictured were, from left: Shelby Adams, Amanda Bergen, Caylee Wentzel, Spencer Hatch and Brinley Friesen. Ethan Irwin was seen between Caylee and Spencer. Other grades…

Celebrating God’s love at the bandshell

June 26, 2017 | 0 Comments

Emily Neufeld, left, Maggie Friesen and Nellie Thiessen were members of a band that performed songs during a concert by members of the Biblical Restoration Ministries, a church located south of Aylmer along Imperial Road, at the bandshell in Palmer Park in Aylmer on Sunday afternoon, June 25. There were also performances by the church members…

Enjoying the lilies

June 26, 2017 | 0 Comments

Aylmer and District Horticultural Society member Roberta Wilson took a closer look at some lilies in Paula Findlay’s garden behind her home along John Street South in Aylmer during a garden tour the Society organized on Sunday afternoon, June 25. The gardens of five Society members were featured on the tour.

Hofhuis Park dedicated in Port Stanley

June 26, 2017 | 0 Comments

Dr. John Hofhuis, left, took a closer look at the monument that was unveiled to celebrate the dedication of Hofhuis Park in Port Stanley on Saturday afternoon, June 24. The park, located near the pier at the end of Maud Street, is named for Dr. Hofhuis and his late wife Sylvia to recognize their contributions…

Viewing at the annual MCS Charity Auction

June 25, 2017 | 0 Comments

Helena Wiebe, left, and Tina Martens took a closer look at the items that were about to be sold at the start of the 17th annual Aylmer Charity Auction and Food Fest at the Aylmer Curling Club on Saturday morning, June 24. The event raises thousands of dollars each year to support the programs of Mennonite…

Man, 57, drives off cliff into Lake Erie

June 24, 2017 | 0 Comments

The province’s Special Investigations Unit is investigating after a 57-year-old man drove his vehicle off of the cliff at the end of Springfield Road into Lake Erie southeast of Aylmer on Friday afternoon, June 23. Members of the Ontario Provincial Police’s Underwater Search and Recovery Unit started the effort to retrieve the man’s body from the…