Local news in and around Aylmer and Elgin County

Dancing under the sky at EESS prom

June 3, 2017 | 0 Comments

Participants in the first East Elgin Secondary School prom ever held outside of and independent from EESS danced under the sky at Quai Du Vin Estate Winery north of Sparta, Saturday night, June 3. The winery is hosting at least three proms this spring. Prom-goers had dinner under a tent, followed by dancing. Sydney Bond…

Slurping spaghetti at EdisonFest

June 3, 2017 | 0 Comments

Gryphon Ketchabaw, 10, of Vienna chowed down on pasta as he joined 15 other youngsters in a spaghetti-eating contest, one of the games at Vienna’s annual EdisonFest in Memorial Park on Saturday, June 3. On Sunday, June 4, the celebration will continue, this time for Canada 150, with a church service, cross-cut sawing competitions, music,…

Coffee House exits with style

June 1, 2017 | 0 Comments

Anne-Marie Braun, left, and Emily Blatz as a duet performed Fight Song by singer/songwriter Rachel Platten during the last Coffee House of 2016-17 on Wednesday evening, May 31 at East Elgin Secondary School. Coffee House provides EESS students an opportunity to perform in public with the support of the school’s Performance Arts Council. Performances that evening ranged from songs…

DNO Towing wins appeal, but must scale back

June 1, 2017 | 0 Comments

The Ontario Municipal Board on Thursday, June 1, issued an order that will allow Don Neville to continue operating his DNO Towing business from his home at 44400 Talbot Line in Yarmouth Centre, but he’ll be forced to scale back the operation there. He’ll be allowed to keep no more than two tow trucks on…

Lincoln ends up in Hacienda ditch

May 29, 2017 | 0 Comments

A black Lincoln MKX sports utility vehicle (SUV) ended in the east ditch along Hacienda Road north of the railway tracks and south of Glencolin Line on Monday afternoon, May 29. This photo was taken at about 3:15 p.m. that day. Two Elgin County Ontario Provincial Police cruisers were at the scene and an ambulance…

Periscope welcomes you to the trailer

May 29, 2017 | 0 Comments

Katy Wells as Brenda, left, has a hissy fit on her significant other Earl, played by Pete Matthews, during a rehearsal for Port Burwell Periscope Playhouse’s latest production 7-10 Split. The play, as written by Michael G. Wilmot of London, Ontario, is set in the typical Canadian trailer home, temporarily nestled inside the Periscope theatre.…

Viva Las Vegas for Aylmer Lioness

May 28, 2017 | 0 Comments

Ann Donkers dressed up as iconic country music superstar Willie Nelson to entertain the women attending the annual Aylmer Lioness Ladies Night held at Royal Canadian Legion, Colonel Talbot Branch 81 (Aylmer) on Friday, May 26. Other Lioness members dressed up as Roy Orbison, Garth Brooks, the Blues Brothers, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson and Johnny…

Browsing the clothesline

May 27, 2017 | 0 Comments

Roommates Cindy Henry, left, and Trudy Blijleven looked through the several shirts and tops on display during a yard and garage sale held by Lorelei Thompson at her Ashton Street property in Springfield on Saturday morning, May 27. Ms. Thompson’s location was one of 16 official sites for the annual Springfield Lioness Club Community-Wide Yard…

Art Attack for a good cause

May 27, 2017 | 0 Comments

East Elgin Secondary School Vice-Principal Abe Wall brought his “Two Fisted Art Attack” to his school’s Relay for Life event on Friday evening, May  26. In about 10 minutes, most of the dozens on-lookers could tell Mr. Wall was painting a portrait of Terry Fox, the young Canadian man who inspired the annual Terry Fox…

Davenport Jumps Rope for Heart

May 26, 2017 | 0 Comments

Davenport Public School Grade 7 pupil Alyssa Pettit threw a bean bag into a hula hoop during one of the several fun physical activities set up at the Aylmer elementary school on Friday afternoon, May 26 for the annual Jump Rope for Heart event. The obstacle course included jumping rope, running through pylons and under a…

Learning about electricity at McGregor PS

May 25, 2017 | 0 Comments

Danny Pece of Erie Thames Powerlines led children in a clapping and waving arms exercise set to music to establish a fun mood before his presentation on electricity safety and conservation at McGregor Public School in Aylmer on Thursday, May 25. He told a series of stories with demonstrations of electrical accidents that happened to…

Live updates from TVDSB

May 23, 2017 | 0 Comments

Some brief notes from the final pupil accomodation review and trustee decisions. Full reports will be in The Aylmer Express May 24 and 31 editions. This post will be updated throughout the night as decisions are made. Sparta Public School – trustees have unanimously approved a motion to close the school effective 2018. New Sarum…