Alanna Tenk as Mary and Liam Robinson as Joseph are at first turned away from the Bethlehem Inn by its owner, played by Lucas Carroll, who also portrayed the title character in “The First Leon” in a rehearsal at Springfield Baptist Church on Friday, Dec. 16. The show tells the story of Noel, who tries…
A heavy truck hauling a trailer became stuck in the former Dempsey Chrysler parking lot across from the north end Tim Hortons in Aylmer along John Street North at Spruce Street shortly before lunch on Friday, Dec. 16. A large tow truck was using a winch to try to pull the truck and trailer out…
Santa Claus, visiting Springfield library Thursday night, Dec. 15, with Mrs. Claus, sternly warned children to be asleep on Christmas Eve, “Or at least be doing a really good job faking it,” while he delivered presents. In addition to stories from Santa, the library hosted a holiday baking competition that night.
The body of an Ingersoll man, 46, was found inside his car in the parking lot of the Tim Horton doughnut shop in Aylmer Wednesday, Dec. 14, at 8 a.m. Police Chief Andre Reymer said foul play was not suspected. The man had gone into the store the previous evening to get a coffee, came…
Central Elgin councillors, who had planned to meet with parents from New Sarum, Sparta and Port Stanley public schools as well as those residing in Belmont, where a new school is being proposed, on Wednesday, Dec. 14, have rescheduled their hearing to Tuesday, Jan. 10, at 7 p.m. at the municipal administration building south of…
Grade 4 pupils Thomas Baretta, left, Isaiah Friesen, Cedar Wilson-Munro and Malibu McNeil sang “The First Noel” along with Grade 3 and 4 classmates at McGregor Public School during a Christmas Concert on Wednesday, Dec. 14. Grade 1 and 2 classes put on a show the day before, while Kindergarteners will celebrate the holidays with…
Full-day Kindergarten pupils Alexandra Gavey, left, and Erin Pinylo performed the “Reindeer Hoedown” with their classmates during Summers Corners Public School’s Christmas concert dress rehearsal on Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 14. Several extended family members watched the dress rehearsal and a full house was expected for the evening performance later that day.
Aylmer Immanuel Christian School pupils Roenan Hiebert, Hollis Fehr and Bentley Milmine performed to The Little Drummer Boy during the school’s annual Christmas concert dress rehearsal on Wednesday morning, Dec. 14. The dress rehearsal was watched by several parents and grandparents while the nighttime concert later that day was expected to attract a full auditorium. The…
The staff and volunteers at Aylmer Old Town Hall Library held a “sing-a-long” during their annual Christmas open house on Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 13. Seen singing carols that included Deck the Halls, Silent Night and Jingle Bell Rock were, from left, volunteer Adrianna Veraart, staff member Julia Fricke, volunteer Miranda Sawyer along with staff members…
On Wednesday morning, Dec. 14, Aylmer’s Michelle Mohammed, front left, and her family including daughter Kinleigh, almost 2, son Kylan, almost 4, and husband Hashim were “revealed” as the winners of the Parent Life Network’s Canada’s Luckiest Baby contest. The $50,000 “prize bundle” included a $20,000 registered education savings plan, a $5,000 department store shopping…
Santa Claus, left, heard the Christmas wish list of Matthew Davies, 5, of Belmont during a visit to the village library on Tuesday night, Dec. 13. Matthew cleverly brought along a handmade gift of his own to give to Santa.
Anna Miller shovelled the snow around the vehicles in the driveway of her home south of Aylmer on Imperial Road just north of Conservation Line in the early afternoon of Sunday, Dec. 11. Environment Canada described the snow storm as a “Colorado low” that tracked towards the Great Lakes that day into the evening. It…