A group of about 40 First Sparta Scouts and adult volunteers, including Beaver Lysha Annandale, left, and John Bynsdorp, helped Catfish Creek Conservation Authority workers plant 500 trees at Archie Coulter Conservation Area near Orwell on Saturday morning, May 14. The Beavers, Cubs and Scouts planted native sycamore trees along with pine and spruce saplings.
Aylmer and District Horticultural Society Treasurer Lesley Malcolm checked out some plants at the $2 table during the Society’s annual Plant Sale in front of Aylmer Old Town Hall Library on Saturday morning, May 14. The event was held despite the rainy start to the morning and featured a varied selection of mostly perennials and…
Lauren Wiebe and her schoolmates in Davenport Public School’s Grade 8 guitar ensemble played for an annual spring concert on Wednesday, May 11. A Grade 7 guitar ensemble and the school choir also performed.
A mourning dove pair has taken advantage of a safe spot next to Fred Kristoff’s garage in Aylmer to build their nest and for the female to lay her eggs. This photo was taken of the nest on the south side of Mr. Kristoff’s home on York Street on Wednesday morning, May 11. Mourning dove…
War of 1812 re-enactors, in both Canadian and USA uniforms of the period, reversed their muskets for a moment of silence at Seminary Cemetery on the northwest corner of Sparta Line and Centennial Road in Central Elgin, Saturday afternoon, May 7. A new sign about the history of the cemetery was unveiled in an event…
Micah Schuurman as “Joe”, left, meets his old family for the first time in years since they sent him away, Ricky Redecop as “JD,” Jordyn Vandendool as “Annette,” Grace Vording as “Cindy” and, on the ground, Holly Cameron as “Sharon” in a dress rehearsal for “Not Your Average Joe” at Immanuel Christian School on Friday,…
Sadie Magri as Cinderella had dirty laundry dumped over her by wicked stepsisters Melody Ashford, left, and Kade Kewley and wicked stepmother Payton Lessard during a dress rehearsal for “Cinderella Kids,” a shortened musical version of the classic fairy tale, at Sparta Public School. The show involved 100 pupils, and sold out for all three…
Grade 4 pupils Amber Moore, left, and Anna Wiebe watched as local artist Jordan King created an air brushed painting during the Museum of McGregor (Public School) Art, or MOMA, event on Wednesday evening, May 4. The adjacent gymnasium was full of various kinds of artwork created by McGregor’s entire pupil body. The annual exhibit was…
Rex Martin, left, had a mask made of his face by fellow Straffordville Public School pupil Ethan Wall during an annual one-day “Arts Festival” on Tuesday, May 3. Pupils in grades 1 through 8 participated in up to six separate arts-related sessions throughout the day, including dance, photography, papier mache, finger painting, “junk sculpture” and…
Jenn Miller, front and centre, had just visited Aylmer Mayor Greg Currie, seen on the far left, outside Town Hall on Tuesday morning, May 3 during the second day of her Walking the Line for Diabetes 2016 journey from London’s Banting House to Parliament Hill in Ottawa. Ms. Miller was joined that morning by her…
Two volunteer firefighters were about to pry open the trunk of a derelict car that was set on fire on the grounds of the Ontario Police College located northeast of Aylmer along Hacienda Road on Saturday morning, April 30 during the Joint Action Training Group exercises hosted by the Aylmer and Malahide Fire Departments. The…
Stefanie Heide sang a brief solo during the gospel song Walking Down the Heavenly Road, one of the selections performed by the Aylmer Area Community Choir during the Spring Fling concert held at Aylmer Old Town Hall Theatre on Friday evening, April 29. The Aylmer Area Community Band also performed that evening, both as entire ensemble…