Local news in and around Aylmer and Elgin County

April Fools’ prank coats car on Rutherford

April 1, 2016 | 0 Comments

An anonymous tipster contacted the Aylmer Express about an April Fools’ Day prank in progress on Rutherford Avenue south of Talbot Street West by East Elgin Secondary School in Aylmer on Friday morning, April 1. By the time a reporter rushed out to try to catch the pranksters in action, the plastic wrap job on…

Catfish Creek floods its banks in Aylmer parks

April 1, 2016 | 0 Comments

Catfish Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the usual areas of nearby parkland in Aylmer, including Kinsmen Park shown here, and Optimist Park on Friday morning, April 1. Catfish Creek Conservation Authority (CCCA) officials earlier the same morning issued a “Flood Outlook” watershed conditions statement, the first of a series of statements leading up to…

Danial Dale retires after 27 years with Aylmer

March 30, 2016 | 0 Comments

Town of Aylmer Planning and Municipal Services Director Danial Dale, left, received congratulations on his retirement from many colleagues, family and friends, including Linda Cummings of Union, during an open house held in his honour at Aylmer Old Town Hall Theatre on Wednesday afternoon, March 30. That was Mr. Dale’s last day after 27 years…

More trees felled on Maple Grove Line

March 30, 2016 | 0 Comments

Workers with Zap’s Tree Service as well as Bayham public works and roads department employees were back cutting down trees along Maple Grove Line between Richmond and Straffordville on Wednesday morning, March 30. Several residents who live along the road staged a peaceful protest against the tree cutting the prior day, Tuesday, March 29, and are…

Province grants $3.8-million to Aylmer, Central Elgin

March 29, 2016 | 0 Comments

Central Elgin Mayor David Marr, left, Cambridge MPP (Liberal) Kathryn McGarry and Aylmer Mayor Greg Currie were all smiles in Aylmer’s council chambers on Tuesday afternoon, March 29 after Ms. McGarry announced the two municipalities would receive a total of just under $3.8-million in grants from the Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund. The Town of Aylmer…

TV series Taken films in Port Stanley

March 29, 2016 | 0 Comments

Port Stanley became the set for multiple scenes that were filmed over the Easter holiday weekend into Tuesday morning, March 28 for the upcoming NBC television series Taken. This photo was taken Tuesday morning, March 28 near the intersection of Bridge/George Street and Carlow Road across from the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 410 (Port Stanley).…

Hunting for Easter eggs at Aylmer library

March 26, 2016 | 0 Comments

Children searched for Easter eggs behind and beside Aylmer library on Saturday morning, March 26. About 50 youngsters participated in the annual event.

Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day at Cy’s

March 20, 2016 | 0 Comments

Johnny Wilson, front, encouraged the youngsters on the dance floor to copy his moves while his band, the Shenanigans, played The Unicorn Song during a St. Patrick’s Day celebration at Cy’s Bowling Lanes and Lounge in Aylmer on Saturday afternoon, March 19. The event included sets of Celtic songs by Johnny and the Shenanigans and…

Tree removal policy passed despite Maple Grovers’ protest

March 18, 2016 | 3 Comments

While their concerns were given an impromptu public meeting treatment, a concerted effort by property owners living along Maple Grove Line in Bayham to stop the removal of trees along their shady stretch of road between Eden and Straffordville has likely failed. Bayham councillors at their Thursday night, March 17 meeting added some wording about…

Aylmer budget comes in at 2.15% levy increase

March 18, 2016 | 0 Comments

Aylmer councillors on Wednesday, March 16 at their fourth and final Finance Committee meeting to work on the 2016 budget used $125,000 of a reserve made up of past year-end surpluses to reduce the amount of taxes that will be levied for the year. The councillors managed to reduce a $270,811 or 5.41 percent tax…

Fun and games at Complex Camp

March 18, 2016 | 0 Comments

Evelyn Lasook, right, came to the rescue of Liam King during a game of “parachute shark” at East Elgin Community Complex on Thursday afternoon, March 17 during the March Break Camp the facility held all week for children from ages six to 12. Ms. Lasook was the “lifeguard” who patrolled the outside of the parachute…

Volunteers saluted at EECC

March 17, 2016 | 0 Comments

Hundreds attended an Ontario Volunteer Service Award ceremony for Elgin and Oxford counties at East Elgin Community Complex on Wednesday night, March 16. Local residents were recognized for giving their time to community organizations, ranging from five to over 60 years of service.