Local news in and around Aylmer and Elgin County

New Year’s at Community Complex

December 31, 2015 | 0 Comments

Skaters took to the ice as part of the annual Family New Year’s Eve celebration at East Elgin Community Complex on Thursday night, Dec. 31. The party, which also involves face painting, inflatable amusements, cotton candy and live entertainment, continues through 9 p.m.

Celebrating sister’s kidney donation 40 years later

December 31, 2015 | 3 Comments

by Craig Bradford of The Aylmer Express Mary Ann Crossett, 65, of Aylmer, from the close-knit DeAngelis family of Belmont, carries her sister Margaret Reardon especially close to her heart – kidney actually. Margaret donated one of her kidneys to her sister and the two and their extended families have just celebrated the 40th anniversary…

Senior assaulted in own home

December 29, 2015 | 0 Comments

A 68-year-old man was assaulted in his Alexander Drive home in Aylmer by an intruder he encountered when returning there at about 9:30 a.m. on Monday, Dec. 28. Aylmer Police Sergeant Nick Novacich said the homeowner was “confronted” by the intruder and the two struggled before the homeowner was struck and pushed to the ground.…

Christmas Care delivers holiday joy

December 23, 2015 | 0 Comments

Jordyn Vandendool, left, handed off a container of powdered hot chocolate to her Dad Ken while her sister Kennedy at right was waiting to hand a box of crackers to the next volunteer in line during the packing of the Christmas Care food hampers at Immanuel Christian School in Aylmer on Wednesday morning, Dec. 23. The…

Cerna’s cat chagrin

December 22, 2015 | 0 Comments

Just two weeks after demanding that cats should be municipally licensed just like dogs, Malahide Councillor Rick Cerna declared his abject surrender at a township meeting Thursday, Dec. 17. “I didn’t realize the cat tags would be so big an issue in Malahide,” he admitted. “The result has been a cat-astrophe, so to speak.” When…

Santa visits Aylmer Old Town Hall Library

December 22, 2015 | 0 Comments

Santa Claus made his annual visit to Aylmer Old Town Hall Library on Tuesday morning, Dec. 22 to read stories to the children including Kaylee Rempel, 4, hear their Christmas wish lists and give out treats. Those attending the event could enjoy Christmas cookies and hot chocolate provided free of charge by the library.

Surfin’ the Web at Springfield PS

December 17, 2015 | 0 Comments

Grade 5-6 pupils at Springfield Public School were “Surfin’ the Web” during an afternoon concert, “I Need a Little Christmas Vacation,” on Thursday, Dec. 17. Another performance is scheduled for that night at 6:30 p.m. Guests are asked to bring a canned food donation for admission.

Port Burwell Public School hosts Santa, serves turkey

December 17, 2015 | 0 Comments

Port Burwell Public School Junior Kindergarten pupil Starr Simmons, left, greeted Santa Claus with a hug during the school’s annual Christmas Lunch on Wednesday, Dec. 16. Later in the afternoon, pupils at the school performed their annual Christmas concert for parents, grandparents as well as other family and friends. The VIP (Very Involved Parents) council,…

It’s a Coffee House Christmas

December 17, 2015 | 0 Comments

Sandi Vanderkooy played Angels We Have Heard On High on the harmonica during the Christmas Coffee House at East Elgin Secondary School on Wednesday evening, Dec. 16. Ms. Vanderkooy was among several performers that night who played different musical instruments or sang songs in a variety of genres, from rock and pop to traditional Christmas…

ASPIRE Christmas concert attracts 200

December 16, 2015 | 1 Comment

East Elgin Secondary School students KaitLynn Martens, left, Kerri Dyck, Sarah Penner and Marion Penner (recent graduate) were among the performers at the second annual ASPIRE (Arbeit Schule Program in Rural Elgin) Christmas Concert held at EESS on Tuesday evening, Dec. 15. About 200 family members, friends and school community supporters attended the event which…

Parents, pupils split on Port Stanley, Trudeau school options

December 15, 2015 | 0 Comments

Parents and even their children are divided on how, or whether, to reduce overcrowding at Pierre Elliott Trudeau French Immersion Public Schoolin St. Thomas by sending some pupils from there to undercrowded Port Stanley Public School. During a public hearing on the subject to Thames Valley District School Board trustees in London, Tuesday, Dec. 15.…

Iraqi family brought to area

December 15, 2015 | 3 Comments

Rafid Manhi’s family was unharmed after bullets were fired into their Baghdad home in 2009, an incident that led to their escape from Iraq and long, frustrating six-year wait in Jordan before freedom was found in Canada. Mr. Manhi wasn’t with his wife Suhad (Sue) Abbas and their three children when their house was fired…