Local news in and around Aylmer and Elgin County

Church, members fined $90,500 for third contempt finding

June 18, 2021 | 2 Comments

The Church of God (Restoration) Aylmer, pastors Henry Hildebrandt and Peter Wall, and Herbert Hildebrandt were fined a combined $90,500 on Friday morning, June 18 for what was their third contempt hearing in Ontario Superior Court of Justice. Justice Bruce Thomas said the fines were for “past actions” and reflected that the church and its…

Pilot seriously injured in Dutton plane crash

June 18, 2021 | 0 Comments

A small, homebuilt aircraft crashed in Dutton on Thursday, June 17, about 6:15 p.m., leaving its pilot, 67, with what Elgin Ontario Provincial Police described as “serious life-altering injuries.” OPP Constable Troy Carlson said OPP, Dutton Dunwich Fire Service and Elgin County paramedics were called to the scene, and on arriving found a Rutan Long-EZ…

Ongoing local cases up by one

June 17, 2021 | 0 Comments

Southwestern Public Health reported four new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Elgin, St. Thomas and Oxford on Thursday, June 17, down slightly from five the previous day. The number of ongoing cases being tracked by the health unit stood at 27 Thursday, up from 26 Wednesday. Ongoing cases in St. Thomas and area rose to…

Drew Danielle Neufeld, 24, dies in crash

June 17, 2021 | 0 Comments

Elgin Ontario Provincial Police reported that Drew Danielle Neufeld, 24, of Aylmer died as the result of a single-car crash on Highway 3 just west of Aylmer on Wednesday, June 16, about 9:28 p.m. Constable Troy Carlson said Ms. Neufeld was driving east on Highway 3 when the car she was driving left the road,…

COVID-19 numbers creep upwards

June 16, 2021 | 0 Comments

Southwestern Public Health reported five new cases of COVID-19 had been confirmed in St. Thomas, Elgin and Oxford on Wednesday, June 16. That’s down slightly from the six new cases announced Tuesday, but the number of ongoing cases being tracked by the health increased to 26 from 23. The number of ongoing cases rose in…

Snowbirds fly over St. Thomas

June 15, 2021 | 0 Comments

The Royal Canadian Air Force Snowbirds made two passes over St. Thomas on Tuesday morning, June 15, just before 11 a.m. Efforts had been made to involve them in an aerial salute to essential workers on Saturday, June 12, since they were performing in Windsor and Detroit at the time, but the timing couldn’t be…

Moderna back on Southwestern vaccine menu

June 15, 2021 | 0 Comments

The Moderna mRNA vaccine for COVID-19, which Southwestern Public Health had planned to stop using at its mass vaccination clinics because of an expected shortage in supply, is back on the menu along with the Pfizer mRNA vaccine. On Tuesday, June 15, Southwestern in a statement said it had been informed by the Ontario Ministry…

Six new cases Tuesday, June 15

June 15, 2021 | 0 Comments

Southwestern Public Health was reporting six new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Elgin, St. Thomas and Woodstock on Tuesday, June 15. That compares to seven from the entire weekend, or an average of just over two a day. The number of ongoing cases being tracked by the health unit also rose, to 23 Tuesday from…

Two hospitalized with COVID-19

June 14, 2021 | 0 Comments

Southwestern Public Health on Monday, June 14, reported seven new cases of COVID 19 from over the weekend, an average of just over two a day, compared to four new cases reported Friday, June 11. The number of ongoing cases being tracked by the health unit dropped to 19 Monday from 21 Friday. However, Southwestern…

New case appears in Aylmer

June 11, 2021 | 0 Comments

Southwestern Public Health reported four new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Elgin, St. Thomas and Oxford on Friday, June 11, up from one on Thursday. The number of ongoing cases being tracked across the region rose slightly, to 21 Friday from 19 Thursday. A new case was confirmed in Aylmer and area, St. Thomas and…

What’s allowed starting Friday, June 11

June 10, 2021 | 0 Comments

Southwestern Public Health had provided the following summary of what will be allowed when Step One of the Ontario’s government’s “Roadmap to Re-open” takes effect on Friday, June 11: Outdoor social gatherings and organized public events with up to 10 people; Outdoor religious services, rites, or ceremonies, including wedding services and funeral services, capped at…

Just one new confirmed case Thursday, June 10

June 10, 2021 | 0 Comments

Southwestern Public Health reported one new confirmed case of COVID-19 in Elgin, St. Thomas and Oxford Thursday, June 10, down from four the previous day. The health unit was tracking 19 ongoing cases Thursday, unchanged from Wednesday. Ongoing cases in St. Thomas and area stayed at two on Thursday and in Bayham and West Elgin…