Local news in and around Aylmer and Elgin County

St. Thomas Police won’t stop anyone to see if they’re obeying stay-at-home order

January 14, 2021 | 0 Comments

St. Thomas Police Chief Chris Herridge issued a statement Thursday, Jan. 14, saying his officers won’t stop a pedestrian or vehicle or enter a home just to check on compliance with Ontario’s new “stay-at-home” order. He stated that St. Thomas Police would “continue to prioritize emergency response by referring pandemic-related complaints to City of St.…

Two Elgin deaths linked to COVID-19

January 14, 2021 | 0 Comments

Southwestern Public Health reported the deaths of two persons from Elgin County connected to COVID-19 on Thursday, Jan. 14. One, a resident at Carresant Care Bonnie Place in St. Thomas, was a woman, 82, and the other was a man, 79. The total number of deaths connected to COVID-19 in the Southwestern region of Elgin,…

Southwestern gives first vaccinations

January 13, 2021 | 0 Comments

On Tuesday, January 12, PeopleCare Tavistock resident Earl Morrison was one of the first long-term care home residents in the Southwestern Public Health region to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Southwestern, in a statement, said, “This significant milestone in the region’s fight against the deadly virus resulted from a partnership among London Health Sciences Centre, Oxford…

Ford says no confusion over stay at home order

January 13, 2021 | 0 Comments

Ontario Premier Doug Ford in a news conference on Wednesday, Jan. 13, said that despite the claims of some, no one should be confused about the new “stay at home” order that takes effect on Thursday. “It’s very simple. Stay home. Stay home. That’s all.” If the question was, “Should I go out?” he said,…

Two COVID deaths at Maple Manor

January 13, 2021 | 0 Comments

Southwestern Public Health on Wednesday, Jan. 13, announced that two additional deaths linked to COVID-19 had occurred at Maple Manor Nursing Home in Tillsonburg. Two Oxford men, 82 and 96, had died, bringing the total number of fatalities involving residents there to 13. The health unit reports 80 residents and 48 staff members remain infected…

Premier issues “Stay at home” order

January 12, 2021 | 0 Comments

Premier Doug Ford on Tuesday, Jan. 12, ordered all Ontarians to “stay at home” effective Thursday, Jan. 14. He said he has declared a new state of emergency for the province given the rapidly rising number of COVID-19 cases, the threat the health care system would be overwhelmed and an increasing number of deaths. Ontarians…

Local COVID-19 deaths continue to rise

January 12, 2021 | 0 Comments

Southwestern Public Health announced three more deaths, all in Oxford, linked to COVID-19 on Tuesday morning, Jan. 12. They included two deaths at PeopleCare long-term care home in Tavistock, two women, one 96 and one 94, and one woman, 93 from the general population of Oxford. That brings the total number of deaths linked to…

Henry Hildebrandt charged

January 11, 2021 | 0 Comments

Aylmer Police have charged Pastor Henry Hildebrandt with organizing an event exceeding pandemic restrictions at Aylmer Church of God on Wednesday, Jan. 6. Police Chief Zvonko Horvat said officers had sought to serve the church, represented by the pastor, with a similar charge from a Sunday service on Dec. 27. Pastor Hildebrandt asked police to…

Two more deaths at Maple Manor

January 11, 2021 | 0 Comments

Two more residents at Maple Manor Nursing Home in Tillsonburg have died after testing positive for COVID-19, an Oxford man, 86, and an Oxford woman, 94. That brings the total number of deaths there to 11, all residents. Eighty other residents and 45 staff members have so far contracted the virus since an outbreak started…

Almost all Maple Manor residents now have COVID-19

January 10, 2021 | 0 Comments

Eighty residents out of 92 at Maple Manor Nursing Home in Tillsonburg have confirmed cases of COVID-19, and nine more have died, meaning only three are still untouched by the virus. Southwestern Public Health announced Sunday, Jan. 10, the number of cases involving residents of the home had rising to 80 from 69 the previous…

New staff case at Terrace Lodge

January 9, 2021 | 0 Comments

Elgin County announced that a staff member at Terrace Lodge long-term care home in Malahide had tested positive for COVID-19. Currently, one other staff member is diagnosed with an ongoing case. Other previous staff cases at Terrace Lodge have been resolved. At Elgin Manor long-term care home in Southwold, two residents had previously been infected,…

COVID numbers still rising at Maple Manor

January 9, 2021 | 0 Comments

Southwestern Public Health reported on Saturday, Jan. 9, that 69 residents of Maple Manor Nursing Home were infected with ongoing cases of COVID-19, up from 58 the previous day. The home has a capacity of 92 residents in total, and nine have died there. In addition, 43 staff members have COVID-19, up from 41 on…