Local news in and around Aylmer and Elgin County

Two more deaths at Maple Manor

January 8, 2021 | 0 Comments

Southwestern Public Health on Friday, Jan. 8, reported two more deaths linked to COVID-19 at the Maple Manor Nursing Home in Tillsonburg, bringing the total number of fatalities from an outbreak there to nine. The dead are both women, one in her 80s and one in her 90s. Currently, 58 residents and 41 staff members have…

Online learning only for elementary pupils

January 7, 2021 | 0 Comments

The Ontario Ministry of Education announced on Thursday, Jan. 7, that elementary schoolchildren in Southern Ontario won’t go back to attending classes in person until Monday, Jan. 25. The move was in response to the “alarming rate” at which new COVID-19 cases were being confirmed across Ontario, the government said in a statement. Instead, pupils…

Five more COVID-linked deaths

January 7, 2021 | 0 Comments

The number of confirmed ongoing cases of COVID-19 in the Southwestern Public Health region of Elgin, St. Thomas and Oxford dropped considerably on Thursday, Jan. 7, to 356 from 402 on the previous day, but the number of deaths links to the virus rose to 28 from 23. Three of the deaths were at Maple…

Aylmer Police serve summons on Church of God

January 6, 2021 | 9 Comments

Aylmer Police served a summons to Aylmer Church of God on Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 6, for allegedly violating COVID-19 pandemic emergency orders, and a crowd of members was there to greet officers. When an Aylmer Express photographer went to the church at 4:30 p.m. after a report of activity there, he stopped well south of…

Four more COVID-19 cases at Maple Manor

January 6, 2021 | 0 Comments

Southwestern Public Health on Wednesday, Jan. 6, was reporting four additional confirmed cases at Maple Manor Nursing Home in Tillsonburg, which is battling a serious outbreak of the COVID-19 virus. The number of residents confirmed to have the virus rose to 56 Wednesday from 55 Tuesday, and staff cases to 39 from 35. Four residents…

COVID-19 by the numbers

January 5, 2021 | 0 Comments

The number of confirmed ongoing cases of COVID-19 in Tillsonburg and area surged to triple digits, a first for any community in Elgin, St. Thomas and Oxford, on Tuesday, Jan. 5. Southwestern Public Health reported the number of cases there surged to 107 on Tuesday from 94 on Monday, most related to an outbreak at…

Seven deaths in 36 hours linked to COVID-19

January 5, 2021 | 0 Comments

Southwestern Public Health Medical Officer of Health Dr. Joyce Lock on Tuesday morning, Jan. 5, announced seven deaths had occurred in Elgin, St. Thomas and Oxford linked to COVID-19 in just the previous 36 hours. That brings the total number of fatalities in the Southwestern region to 23. Six deaths were related to institutional outbreaks,…

Charged with disturbing a religious service

January 5, 2021 | 1 Comment

Aylmer Police have charged a Sparta man, 34, with disturbing a religious worship service held at Aylmer Church of God on John Street North in Aylmer on Sunday, Jan. 3. Police Chief Zvonko Horvat reported that the service started at 10:30 a.m. Police were alerted to a disturbance created when the Sparta man became engaged…

Two more deaths linked to COVID-19-updated

January 4, 2021 | 0 Comments

Southwestern Public Health was reporting two more deaths linked to COVID-19 on Monday, Jan. 4, bringing the total to date in Elgin, St. Thomas and Oxford to 16. The health unit said both were related to a large outbreak at Maple Manor long-term care home in Tillsonburg. One of the fatalities was a man in…

New staff case at Terrace Lodge

January 4, 2021 | 0 Comments

Elgin County announced Sunday night, Jan. 3, that a staff member at Terrace Lodge long-term care home in Malahide had tested positive for COVID-19. That brought the total number of current ongoing staff cases there to four, the county stated. No Terrace Lodge residents have tested positive to this point. Any resident or employee “showing…

Now 371 ongoing COVID-19 cases in Southwestern Region

January 3, 2021 | 0 Comments

Southwestern Public Health was reporting 44 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 on Sunday, Dec. 3, which was down from a new record daily high of 75 the previous day, but the total number of ongoing cases in the region still rose to 371 from 347. The infection rate across the Southwestern area now stands at…

Fourteenth COVID-19-linked death-updated

January 2, 2021 | 0 Comments

Southwestern Public Health on Saturday, Jan. 2, was reporting the 14th-death in its region linked to COVID-19. This death, involving an Oxford man in his 50s, was the second in two days. Between Thursday, Dec. 31, and Saturday, Southwestern reported 93 confirmed new cases in Elgin, St. Thomas and Oxford, including 18 on New Year’s…