News Headlines

“Walking a Mile in Her Shoes”

Local emergency services representatives, including Central Elgin Fire Chief Don Crocker, third from left, and Aylmer Police Chief Andre Reymer, right, carried placards at they led off  the annual “Walk A Mile In Her Shoes” event at St. Thomas Pinafore Park on Sunday, Sept. 27. Men were challenged to complete a mile’s walk in high…

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Two libraries in Aylmer rejected by county

A proposal by Aylmer council to expand the town’s Old Town Hall library by leasing additional space at the nearby Trillium Park condominium building got shot down in a 5-4 vote at Elgin County council, Tuesday, Sept. 22. County councillors rejected the proposal largely due to an estimated $30,000 additional cost a year to staff…

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Over 300 attend Saxonia Oktoberfest party

Over 300 attendees danced or simply enjoyed the music, food and atmosphere of the Oktoberfest party held at the Aylmer German Canadian Club’s Saxonia Hall on Saturday night, Sept. 19. “Polka King” and three-time Grammy Award winning musician Walter Ostanek and his band performed all of his hits and dance favourites in front of the…

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Hundreds dine at Port Bruce Fish Fry

An estimated 350 diners ate 500 pounds of fried perch during an annual fundraising dinner put on by the Port Bruce Ratepayers Association at the community pavilion, Saturday night, Sept. 12. Organizers hoped to raise $2,000 to put toward community projects.

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Crowds throng Watermelon Fest

Straffordville’s 18th annual Watermelon Fest was a hit on Saturday, Aug. 29. Big crowds turned out through the day for free watermelon and cotton candy, children’s rides, enterntainment and seed-spitting and watermelon-eating competitions.

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“Real Estate” opens at Port Stanley Festival Theatre

Actor Bruce Davies gave a painful foot rub to Jamie Williams during a rehearsal for “Real Estate,” a new play opening at Port Stanley Festival Theatre on Wednesday, Aug. 26, and continuing through Saturday, Sept. 19. The romantic comedy tells the story of a home owner with writer’s block who stands in the way of…

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Over 450 bicycle in 3 Port Tour

A group of bicyclists crept up a steep slope on Pleasant Valley Line as they neared the end of a 160-kilometre route for the fifth annual 3 Port Classic Century Ride sponsored by The Aylmer Express on Saturday, Aug. 15. This year’s ride involved 450 bicyclists, the most ever.

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Malahide, Bayham welcome windmills

Both Malahide and Bayham councils, in separate meetings, voted Thursday, Aug. 6, to welcome additional windmills to the Erie Shores Wind Farm. Capstone Power Development plans to add 20 to 30 new wind turbines to the existing 66 in the area. Malahide councillors ignored dire warnings from resident Hank Wortelboer and two anti-wind power activists…

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Aylmer Fair opens Friday, Aug. 7

Aylmer Fair has a new Junior Board of Directors (JBOD) that’s helping out this year, assisting with running the show, organizing impromptu concerts by local musicians throughout the fair and preparing their own car for Saturday’s demolition derby. They are, front, Jack Gaudette; back, from left: Jenna Gilbert, Joseph Gaudette, Monique Froese, Josh Gaudette and…

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Helping prevent drownings

Port Stanley Beach Patrol Captain Greg Howard, right, gave some opening instructions to all those about to participate in the Learn to Swim day for children and youth of the Mennonite community held at the Ontario Police College northeast of Aylmer on Saturday afternoon, July 25. Elgin County Ontario Provincial Police Constable Steve Coakley organized…

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