News Headlines

Market Square change on hold

Elgin County councillors on Tuesday, Oct. 21, deferred for now a request from Bayham to rezone the former Port Burwell fire hall to allow it to be sold for conversion to a private residence. They want an investigation of an assertion by Susan Start, who leads opponents to the change, that Market Square, including the…

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Packed house for Bayham all-candidates meeting

Well over 200 interested citizens filled Vienna Community Centre for the Aylmer Express-sponsored Bayham all-candidates meeting on Thursday night, Oct. 9. All of the candidates in the Oct. 27 municipal election answered a series of questions from those attending the almost two and a half hour event. Although other topics were broached, the HMCS Ojibwa…

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Oversize load stops traffic in Aylmer

An oversized load made its way through Aylmer westbound along Talbot Street on Monday morning, Oct. 6 starting just after 8 a.m. Along with an Ontario Provincial Police escort in front and behind, several utility trucks with workers were with the convoy to make sure the tall portable building on the flatbed truck didn’t interfere…

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Walking a Mile in Her Shoes

Andy Anderson, left, mayoral candidate Greg Currie, Police Chief Andre Reymer and Mayor Jack Couckuyt of “Team Aylmer” raised $3,560 for Violence Against Women Services Elgin County as they participated in the fifth annual “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” in St. Thomas’s Pinafore Park, Sunday, Sept. 28. This year, 63 men donned high heels in…

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Malahide candidates on the spot

Contenders in the Oct. 27 municipal election in Malahide answered several questions from local residents during an all-candidates meeting sponsored by the Aylmer Express on Monday night, Sept. 22 at Old Town Hall Theatre. A less than packed house witnessed a heated exchange between Malahide resident Hank Wortelboer and incumbent Deputy Mayor Jim Jenkins after…

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Final Shrine Cruise

Dozens of classic cars and trucks were parked behind the German Canadian Club just west of Aylmer on Saturday, Sept. 20 for the final Aylmer Shrine Club Cruise car show. After giving out draw prizes donated by local businesses, the Shriners donated $500 each to the St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital Foundation and the Victoria…

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Malahide, public trustees all-candidates Monday, Sept. 22

The Aylmer Express will host an all-candidates meeting for the municipal election in Malahide Township at Aylmer Old Town Hall, Monday, Sept. 22, starting at 7:30 p.m. In addition to Malahide candidates, the six candidates for the two positions as Elgin County public school trustees on the Thames Valley District School Board will answer questions…

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Terrace Lodge reversal

Elgin County councillors unanimously reversed course on Tuesday , Sept. 9, and instead of planning limited renovations to Terrace Lodge long-term care home will turn to designing and getting a cost estimate for a completely new facility. The change came as the result of a public hearing at Terrace Lodge, followed by a recommendation from…

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Break leaves Port Burwell, Vienna without water

A pipeline break along NovWater breaka Scotia Line northwest of Port Burwell and a couple kilometres east of Richmond Road left all of Bayham’s municipal water customers without the service for several hours on Friday, Sept. 5. Bayham Water and Wastewater Operations Manager Ed Roloson said about 760 water customers in Port Burwell and Vienna…

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County to debate a new Terrace Lodge Tuesday, Sept. 9

A building committee overseeing planned renovations to Terrace Lodge long-term care home in Malahide is now calling for a complete replacement adjacent to the current facility to be designed instead. Cost estimates for a Class “A” home (the current one has a provincial “C” rating) would then be used to lobby the Ontario government for…

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