
Unprecedented year for forest fires

Elgin-Middlesex-London MPP Jeff Yurek was named as Ontario’s Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry only a few weeks ago, but he’s already been kept busy putting out fires. Real fires, not political ones. He spoke at an annual St. Thomas and District Chamber of Commerce luncheon for him and MP Karen Vecchio Wednesday, Aug. 1.…

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Chad Robertson reaches Inuvik

Chad Robertson of Belmont emailed The Aylmer Express Wednesday afternoon, Aug. 1, to report he and fellow adventurer Jason Rowland of Australia had reached Inuvik in the North West Territories, completing an epic 3,000 kilometre journey by bicycle and canoe from Jasper, Alberta. Look for details in the August 8 edition of the Express.

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Doug Ford at Ontario Police College

Ontario Premier Doug Ford, sitting beside Ontario Minister of Natural Resources and Elgin-Middlesex-London MPP Jeff Yurek, watched as 305 graduates of the Basic Constable recruit training class at Ontario Police College paraded by during a March Past and Review Ceremony, Thursday afternoon, July 26. “I’m biased,” he told recruits in a short address. “I love…

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Pro wrestler takes on a dozen children

Professional wrestler Cody Deaner talked to children at Port Stanley library on Friday afternoon, July 20. He told them about how he became a wrestler, and urged them to never give up on their childhood dreams and to always think positively.

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Wheelhouse moved to final home

Several local interested residents along with some visitors to Port Burwell watched as the George Barnes Memorial Wheelhouse was moved from the bottom of Pitt Street by the flats next to Otter Creek about 100 metres (328 feet) up the hill and across the intersection at Robinson Street to its final home in front of…

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Bikers rumble through Aylmer for the 13th

Motorcycle enthusiasts Jean-Paul (JP) Roy, left, and his brother-in-law KC Clarke stopped in downtown Aylmer for breakfast on Friday, July 13 on their way to Port Dover. Mr. Roy’s wife and Mr. Clarke’s twin sister Kirsten was just out of the camera’s view. The three Londoners, along with thousands of other bikers, rode through Aylmer…

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Low water condition issued by CCCA

Catfish Creek Conservation Authority issued a “Level 1 Low Water Condition” for the watershed on Tuesday morning, July 10. In a media release, CCCA Water Management Technician Peter Dragunas asked area residents to voluntarily reduce their water use by 10 percent “to ensure that there remains an adequate supply for essential uses and to sustain…

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Healing Hearts and Minds in Kinsmen Park

Joanne Crockett of London’s Meadowlily Farm and her buddy Eddie the Chihuahua, 12, were hanging out in their bee-related fun garb at their booth and also bee-themed camper van at the second annual Healing Hearts and Minds mental health festival held in Kinsmen Park in Aylmer on Saturday, July 7. Meadowlily Farm, which produces all-natural…

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St. Thomas man killed after crash at Sparta drag strip

Bradley Schaafsma, 32, of St. Thomas was killed after the motorcycle he was riding crashed at St. Thomas Raceway Park just east of Sparta off Sparta Line on Friday evening, July 6. Ontario Provincial Police Constable Max Gomez said emergency personnel including Elgin County OPP officers, Central Elgin volunteer firefighters and local ambulance paramedics were…

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Hard times on the Mackenzie River

Chad Robertson of Belmont and his friend Jason “Travelroo” Rowland of Australia report having hundreds of dollars of dehydrated food, as well as storage bags, stolen from them as they paddled along the Mackenzie River toward Inuvik in the Northwest Territories. The two men are attempting to journey from Jasper, Alberta, to Inuvik by bicycle…

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