1994 – Scorn those who foul streets & roads


Apr. 13, 1994 – It is spring cleaning time and that means everybody should be taking his or her part in tidying the landscape. We can no longer depend on the snowman to cover our dirty habits.

What will make things easier on our cleanup will be the participation of everyone in the community. If every person picks up a little part of the windblown disarray of wastepaper and other debris, it will make light work.

Everybody will then be able to share in the magnificent landscape of Elgin County. Nobody would ever want to be seen doing anything to ruin the view.

Residents of our rural areas probably have a greater appreciation than many urban dwellers for the beauties of nature. That is one reason they don’t want anybody to dump junk in fields and ditches around here or anyplace for that matter.

Our communities have elaborate systems for the removal of garbage and waste matter of any description. Those are the systems that should be used. It makes everybody happier, the place looks better and we all avoid the huge expense of scouring cleanups.

What we need is a public that shows absolute contempt for anybody who tosses paper or empty packages on the street or discards weightier junk along our country byways. We are all custodians of this beautiful land.