A basketball-sized meteor passed over the Aylmer area on the evening of Tuesday, March 18. The event was tracked by a network of cameras set up by Western University’s Physics and Astronomy Department. The image seen at left was captured by a camera installed on the roof of Aylmer’s Arthur Oslach. The meteor created a…
A home on the south side of Rush Creek Line west of Port Bruce was surrounded by water on Thursday, March 20 after Catfish Creek flooded over its banks at an area commonly known as Cedar Bend. The residents had left the evening before anticipating their property would be flooded the next day. A farm…
Getting caught using any electronic hand-held device or display screens while driving is going to cost a lot more. Beginning March 18, the distracted driving fine of $155 increased to $280 (a $225 fine plus a $50 victim fine surcharge and $5 court cost) as of that day. A distracted driving ticket does not include…
Bayham councillors approved the 2014 budget which included a 4.41 levy increase on Tuesday, March 18. Treasurer David Aristone noted that with assessment growth over the past year adding $91,863 in taxation, the overall increase for 2014 for taxpayers was 1.5 percent. Mayor Paul Ens voted against the approval of the budget because of his…
The completion of construction on the consolidated Elgin County Courthouse in St. Thomas was celebrated with an official ribbon cutting ceremony on Tuesday, March 18. The celebration, emceed by former Elgin-Middlesex-London MPP Steve Peters who was credited as the driving force behind the project, included a time capsule insertion. A steel cylinder containing several City…
Aylmer’s finance committee, made up of all councillors, approved the draft 2014 budget and a 0.64-percent levy increase on Monday, March 17. That is up from the 0.24-percent levy increase which resulted from savings the committee approved at their March 10 meeting. The draft budget will be on the agenda for the April 7 council…
Catfish Creek Conservation Authority issued a flood watch at 6:30 a.m. on Wednesday, March 19. The weather forecast included rain and rising temperatures which were expected to cause the remaining snow to continue to melt resulting in water levels in the creek to rise. Flooding in low-lying areas near Catfish Creek and its tributaries was…
Ontario Minister of Public Safety Medeleine Meilleur seems ready to stick with a proposed new method for billing communities for Ontario Provincial Police patrols, despite an outcry from many municipalities. At a Malahide council meeting March 13, Mayor David Mennill, one of three township representatives to attend a recent Ontario Good Roads Association gathering in…
Malahide councillors probed Thursday, March 13, without success in hopes of learning about at least some of the findings in a consultant’s review of East Elgin Community Complex operations. While Mayor David Mennill admitted he, Aylmer Mayor Jack Couckuyt and the administrators from both municipalities had read the review, he wouldn’t spill the beans. Malahide Administrator Michelle Casavecchia…
East Elgin Secondary School student Abbie Dale looked out over the sanctuary of Olympia on a visit to southern Greece during March break this week. She is one of the students on an expedition to Rome and Athens led by teacher Ted Williamson.
A barn was destroyed by a fire north of Vienna on Calton Line just west of Plank Road on Friday, March 14. Property owner Steven Martin said he noticed flames coming from the south side of the barn at about 6:15 a.m. Bayham firefighters extinguished the blaze quickly but remained on scene for several hours…
Cornelius Thiessen, 29, of Aylmer was pronounced dead at an area hospital after the vehicle he was driving collided with a transport truck in Zorra Township on Wednesday, March 12. The two-vehicle collision occurred at about 7:25 a.m. on Highway 19 between Road 92 and Road 96. Oxford County Ontario Provincial Police, Uniondale firefighters and…